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pay (Merchant-presented Mode Payment - Order Code)ACQP → Alipay+

POST /aps/api/v1/payments/pay

The pay API is used by the Acquiring Service Provider (ACQP) to send a request to Alipay+ to place orders. 

Note: In the following sections, Mobile Payment Provider (MPP) is also known as Payment Service Provider. For example, the pspId parameter specifies the ID that identifies an MPP. 


A message consists of a header and body. The following sections are focused on the body structure. For the header structure, see:


Set the data type of each field (except array) as String. This means that you must use double quotation marks (" ") to enclose the field value. Examples:

  • If the data type of a field is Integer and its value is 20, set it as "20".
  • If the data type of a field is Boolean and its value is true, set it as "true". 

Request parameters

order Order  REQUIRED

The order details that are agreed upon by the buyer and the merchant, including the information about the buyer, the merchant, the goods, the initial order amount, and so on. The order details are displayed in purchase records and used for risk and regulatory reporting. 

Note: In this scenario, apart from the required child parameters, the following child parameters must be specified:

  • env.userAgent 
Show child parameters

paymentRequestId String  REQUIRED

The unique ID that is assigned by the ACQP to identify a payment order.

More information:

  • This field is an API idempotency field.For requests that are initiated with the same paymentRequestId, Alipay+ regards the requests as repeated and processes the requests only once. If the values for the key parameters such as paymentAmount, paymentFactor, settlementStrategy, and paymentMethod.paymentMethodType in repeated requests are different, Alipay+ returns the REPEAT_REQ_INCONSISTENT result code.
  • Maximum length: 64 characters

paymentAmount Amount  REQUIRED

The amount that the ACQP requests to receive from Alipay+. The currency of the amount must be specified to the one that the ACQP uses to create the payment order.


  • The paymentAmount and settlementStrategy parameters jointly affect the amount that Alipay+ settles to the ACQP (which is returned as the settlementAmount parameter) in the following ways:
    • If the payment currency (specified on the paymentAmount.currency parameter) is the same as the settlement currency (specified on the settlementStrategy.settlementCurrency parameter), the settlement amount is the same as the payment amount (specified on the paymentAmount.value parameter).
    • If the payment currency (specified on the paymentAmount.currency parameter) is different from the settlement currency (specified on the settlementStrategy.settlementCurrency parameter), the settlement amount is calculated based on the payment amount (specified on the paymentAmount.value parameter) and the exchange rate between the settlement currency and payment currency.
  • When you specify the paymentAmount parameter, ensure that the settlement amount is no less than the smallest amount in the settlement currency; otherwise, the API call fails. 
Show child parameters

paymentMethod PaymentMethod  REQUIRED

The payment method that is used to collect the payment.

Note: In this scenario, the following child parameters must be set to the specific values as shown below:

  • paymentMethodType: set the value to CONNECT_WALLET
Show child parameters

paymentFactor PaymentFactor  REQUIRED

Factors that impact the payment-related items such as the fee and regulatory reporting. See PaymentFactor for details.

Factors that impact payment-related items such as service fee, interchange fee (also known as interpartner fee), and regulatory reporting. This parameter is used to identify the payment scenario.

Note: In this scenario, the following child parameters must be set to the specific values as shown below:

  • isInStorePayment: set the value to true 
  • isCashierPayment: set the value to true 
  • inStorePaymentScenario: set the value to OrderCode 
Show child parameters

paymentExpiryTime Datetime  

The time after which the payment order is expired. If the payment order is not completed before the time that is specified for this parameter, Alipay+ closes the order and calls the notifyPayment API to notify the ACQP of the payment result.


  1. Required if the ACQP wants the payment order to be completed before a specific time.
  2. In this scenario, the default value of this parameter is 3 minutes.
  3. The specified expiration time must be shorter than the default expiration time; otherwise, the default expiration time takes effect instead of the specified expiration time.

More information about this parameter:

The value follows the ISO 8601 standard format. For example, "2019-11-27T12:01:01+08:30".  

More information:

  • The value follows the ISO 8601 standard format. For example, "2019-11-27T12:01:01+08:00".

paymentNotifyUrl URL  REQUIRED

The URL that is used to receive the payment result notification from Alipay+

More information:

  • Maximum length: 2048 characters

paymentRedirectUrl URL  

The URL where the user is redirected to after the payment order is completed.

Note: Required if the user needs to be redirected from the MPP's payment result page to a predetermined page, for example, the merchant result page. 

More information:

  • Maximum length: 2048 characters

settlementStrategy SettlementStrategy  

The settlement strategy that is applied to the payment order, for example, the currency that the ACQP wants to be settled against.

Note: Required if the settlement currency is different from the payment currency that is specified for the paymentAmount.currency parameter. 

Show child parameters

splitSettlementId String  

The unique ID that is assigned by Alipay+ to the ACQP for multi-batch reconciliation. For each unique value of this parameter, Alipay+ performs a batch of clearing and settlement, and transfers a batch of funds to the ACQP's bank account.

Note: Required if the ACQP needs to split its settlement for transactions in one region and one currency into multiple batches. 

More information:

  • Maximum length: 16 characters

Response parameters

result Result  REQUIRED

The result of the business processing, including the result status, result code, and result message. For more information about how to handle the result of the pay API, see the Result processing logic section.

Show child parameters

acquirerId String  

The unique ID that is assigned by Alipay+ to identify an ACQP.

Note: Returned by Alipay+ if the value of the result.resultCode parameter is PAYMENT_IN_PROCESS, which means that the request is accepted.  

More information:

  • Maximum length: 64 characters

paymentId String  

The unique ID that is assigned by Alipay+ to identify a payment order.

Note: Returned by Alipay+ if the value of the result.resultCode parameter is PAYMENT_IN_PROCESS, which means that the request is accepted. 

More information:

  • Maximum length: 64 characters

paymentAmount Amount  

The amount that the ACQP requests to receive from Alipay+. The currency of the amount is the one that the ACQP uses to create the payment order.

Note: Returned if the value of the result.resultCode parameter is PAYMENT_IN_PROCESS, which means that the request is accepted. 

Show child parameters

orderCodeForm orderCodeForm  

The order code that the user scans to confirm the payment.


In this scenario, apart from the required child parameters, the following optional child parameters are also returned by Alipay+ if the value of the result.resultCode parameter is PAYMENT_IN_PROCESS, which means that the request is accepted:

  • paymentMethodType
  • expireTime 
Show child parameters
API Explorer
Sample CodesRun in Sandbox


Request Body


Response Body

More information

Result processing logic

You might receive different results from Alipay+. Follow the instructions below to handle the result. 



Payment status




Payment fails.

Take actions according to the result code (specified on the result.resultCode parameter). For more information, see the Result code section.



Payment is in processing.

Render the order code information that is specified by the orderCodeForm parameter for the user to confirm the payment.

No result received


Retry the same request. Ensure that the value specified on the paymentRequestId parameter is the same as the one specified in the previous request.


Result/Error codes

CodeValueMessageFurther action


ACCESS_DENIEDFAccess is denied.

It is recommended that you contact to troubleshoot the issue. 

BUSINESS_NOT_SUPPORTFThe payment business is not supported.

Check whether the parameter values in the request message, such as merchant ID and transaction currency, conform to the contract. If yes, it is recommended that you contact to troubleshoot the issue; otherwise, correct the parameters to align with the contract.

CURRENCY_NOT_SUPPORT FThe currency is not supported.

Ensure the currencies used in the request, such as payment currency and settlement currency, conform to the contract. If the issue persists, it is recommended that you contact to troubleshoot the issue. 

INVALID_CLIENTFThe client is invalid.

It is recommended that you contact to troubleshoot the issue. 

INVALID_CONTRACTFThe contract is invalid.

Check whether the parameter values in the request message, such as merchant ID and transaction currency, conform to the contract. If yes, it is recommended that you contact to troubleshoot the issue; otherwise, correct the parameters to align with the contract. 

INVALID_SIGNATUREFThe signature is invalid.

Check whether the public key, signed message, and signature algorithm are as expected. 

KEY_NOT_FOUNDFThe key is not found.

It is recommended that you contact to troubleshoot the issue. 

MEDIA_TYPE_NOT_ACCEPTABLEFThe server does not implement the media type that is acceptable to the client.

Use a media type that is accepted by Alipay+

MERCHANT_NOT_REGISTEREDFThe merchant is not registered.

It is recommended that you contact the technical support team at to troubleshoot the issue. 

METHOD_NOT_SUPPORTEDFThe server does not implement the requested HTTPS method.

Ensure the HTTP method is POST.

NO_INTERFACE_DEFFAPI is not defined.

Check whether the request URL is correct. Ensure that the endpoint of the called API is correct. 

ORDER_IS_CLOSEDFThe order is closed.

Close the order at the ACQP side. 

PARAM_ILLEGALFIllegal parameters. For example, non-numeric input, invalid date.

Check whether the request parameters, including the header parameters and body parameters, are correct and valid. For more information about the parameters of each API, see the Structure section of the specific API reference topic. 

PAYMENT_AMOUNT_EXCEED_LIMITFThe payment amount exceeds the limit that is specified by Alipay+.

It is recommended that you inform the user of the error. 

PAYMENT_AMOUNT_INVALIDFPayment amount is invalid.

It is recommended that you contact to troubleshoot the issue. 

PAYMENT_COUNT_EXCEED_LIMITFThe number of payments exceeds the limit.

Wait until the digital wallet allows more payments.

PROCESS_FAILFA general business failure occurred. Do not retry.

It is recommended that you contact to troubleshoot the issue.

REPEAT_REQ_INCONSISTENTFRepeated requests are inconsistent.

Ensure that the values of the parameters in the repeated requests are the same. 

RISK_REJECTFThe request is rejected because of the risk control.

It is recommended that you inform the user of the error. 

UNAVAILABLE_PAYMENT_METHODFThe payment method is unavailable.

It is recommended that you inform the user of the error. 

USER_AMOUNT_EXCEED_LIMITFThe payment amount exceeds the payment limit that is specified by the user's digital wallet.

It is recommended that you inform the user of the error. 

USER_BALANCE_NOT_ENOUGHFThe user balance is not enough for the payment.

It is recommended that you inform the user of the error.  

USER_KYC_NOT_QUALIFIEDFUser is not qualified for the KYC verification.

It is recommended that you inform the user of the error.  

USER_NOT_EXISTFThe user does not exist.

It is recommended that you inform the user of the error.  

USER_PAYMENT_VERIFICATION_FAILEDFUser fails to pass the payment verification in the methods like OTP, PIN, and so on.

It is recommended that you inform the user of the error.  

USER_STATUS_ABNORMALFThe user status is abnormal.

It is recommended that you inform the user of the error.

PAYMENT_IN_PROCESSUThe payment is being processed.

Render the order code information that is specified by the orderCodeForm parameter for the user to confirm the payment.

REQUEST_TRAFFIC_EXCEED_LIMITUThe request traffic exceeds the limit.

Reduce the frequency of API calls.

UNKNOWN_EXCEPTIONUAn API call failed, which is caused by unknown reasons.

Try to recall the API.