registrationACQP → Alipay+
The registration API is used by the Acquiring Service Providers (ACQPs) to register a new merchant or update an existing registration. For online payments, the ACQP needs to register the merchant information, while for in-store payments, the ACQP needs to register both the merchant information and the store information.
A message consists of a header and body. The following sections are focused on the body structure. For the header structure, see:
Set the data type of each field (except array) as String. This means that you must use double quotation marks (" ") to enclose the field value. Examples:
- If the data type of a field is Integer and its value is 20, set it as "20".
- If the data type of a field is Boolean and its value is
, set it as "true".
Request parameters
registrationRequestId String REQUIRED
The unique ID that is assigned by the ACQP to identify a registration request.
More information:
- This field is an API idempotency field.For requests that are initiated with the same registrationRequestId, Alipay+ returns the same result.
- Maximum length: 64 characters
productCodes Array<String> REQUIRED
The list of product codes to specify the payment products that the merchant support. Valid values are:
: indicates the Cashier Payment product.AGREEMENT_PAYMENT
: indicates the Auto Debit product.IN_STORE_PAYMENT
: indicates the in-store payment products, such as User-presented Mode Payment and Merchant-presented Mode Payment.
merchantInfo MerchantRegistrationInfo REQUIRED
The merchant information for registration, including merchant category code and registration information.
Note: When specifying the child parameters, note that:
- the merchantInfo.merchantDisplayName parameter is required if the value of productCodes contains
, or both. - the merchantInfo.websites parameter is required if the value of productCodes contains
, or both. - the merchantInfo.registrationDetail.registrationAddress.address1 parameter is required.
storeInfo StoreRegistrationInfo
The store information for registration.
- Required and valid only if the value of the productCodes parameter contains
. - When specifying the child parameters, note that the storeInfo.storeAddress.address1 parameter is required.
registrationNotifyUrl URL
The URL that is provided by the merchant to receive registration notifications from Alipay+.
- Required if the ACQP wants to receive registration notifications from Alipay+.
- To receive registration notifications from Alipay+, the ACQP also needs to integrate the notifyRegistrationStatus API first.
More information:
- Maximum length: 2048 characters
passThroughInfo String
The information that is passed through by the ACQP to Alipay+. The value of this parameter is in a set of key-value pairs.
Note: Specify this parameter if the ACQP wants to pass information to the Mobile Payment Provider (MPP).
More information:
- Maximum length: 2048 characters
Response parameters
result Result REQUIRED
The result of the business processing, including the result status, result code, and the result message. For more information about how to handle the result of the registration API, see Result processing logic.
Notes: If the ACQP wants to obtain the registration result, the ACQP can call the inquiryRegistrationStatus API.
passThroughInfo String
The information that is passed through by Alipay+ to the ACQP. The value of this parameter is in a set of key-value pairs.
Note: Returned by Alipay+ if the MPP wants to pass information to the ACQP.
More information:
- Maximum length: 2048 characters
More information
When using this API, the ACQP needs to take the following things into consideration:
- Batch operations are not supported. For a single time, only one merchant or store can be registered or updated.
- Depending on the payment product that the merchant supports, follow different requirements when specifying the values of productCodes, merchantInfo.referenceMerchantId and storeInfo.referenceStoreId.
- To register a merchant that supports only online payments, ensure that the value of the productCodes parameter contains only
, or both, and specify only referenceMerchantId. - To register a merchant that supports only in-store payments, ensure that the value of the productCodes parameter only contains
, and specify both merchantInfo.referenceMerchantId and storeInfo.referenceStoreId. Note: Only in the case where Alipay CN is involved, registration is required. - To register a merchant that supports both online and in-store payments, ensure that the value of the productCodes parameter contains
and at least one ofCASHIER_PAYMENT
, and specify both referenceMerchantId and referenceStoreId. - When calling a request to update an existing registration, check whether the last registration request is still within 7 natural days or processed. Only when the last request exceeds 7 natural days, or it is within 7 natural days but has been processed, can the new request be accepted; otherwise, it is rejected.
Result processing logic
In the response, the result.resultStatus parameter indicates the acceptance result of the registration request. The following table describes each result status:
result.resultStatus | Description |
| The registration is successfully accepted and approved by MPPs. |
| The registration request failed to be accepted, and you can check resultCode and resultMessage for more information. |
| The system is busy and you can try again. |
Result/Error codes
Code | Value | Message | Further action |
SUCCESS | S | Success | N/A |
ACCESS_DENIED | F | Access is denied. | It is recommended that you contact to troubleshoot the issue. |
INVALID_CLIENT | F | The client is invalid. | It is recommended that you contact to troubleshoot the issue. |
INVALID_SIGNATURE | F | The signature is invalid. | Check whether the public key, signed message, and signature algorithm are as expected. |
KEY_NOT_FOUND | F | The key is not found. | It is recommended that you contact to troubleshoot the issue. |
MEDIA_TYPE_NOT_ACCEPTABLE | F | The server does not implement the media type that is acceptable to the client. | Use a media type that is accepted by Alipay+. |
METHOD_NOT_SUPPORTED | F | The server does not implement the requested HTTPS method. | Ensure the HTTP method is POST. |
NO_INTERFACE_DEF | F | API is not defined. | Check whether the request URL is correct. Ensure that the endpoint of the called API is correct. |
PARAM_ILLEGAL | F | Illegal parameters. For example, non-numeric input, invalid date. | Check whether the request parameters, including the header parameters and body parameters, are correct and valid. For more information about the parameters of each API, see the Structure section of the specific API reference topic. |
PROCESS_FAIL | F | A general business failure occurred. Do not retry. | It is recommended that you contact to troubleshoot the issue. |
REGISTRATION_UNDER_REVIEW | F | A previously submitted registration is currently under review. No new registration or modification is allowed. | Wait for the review and retry later. |
REPEAT_REGISTRATION | F | Registration for the merchant is repeated. | Check if you have initiated repeated requests. If so, you can call the inquiryRegistrationStatus API to inquire about the registration status later. If not, contact to troubleshoot the issue. |
REQUEST_TRAFFIC_EXCEED_LIMIT | U | The request traffic exceeds the limit. | Reduce the frequency of API calls. |
UNKNOWN_EXCEPTION | U | An API call failed, which is caused by unknown reasons. | Try to recall the API. |