Alipay+ DocsAlipay+ Docs

Brand display guidelines for in-store payment

This document lists the touchpoints where it is required or recommended to display the Alipay+ brand information in the following three main scenarios:

  • User-presented Mode Payment
  • Merchant-presented Mode Payment, including entry code, (private) order code
  • Common scenarios, including receipt, transaction management interface, and merchant bills

User-presented Mode Payment

For the User-presented Mode Payment scenario, cashier terminals and brand collaterals are involved to display the Alipay+ brand information.


You need to display the "Alipay+TM PARTNER" logo in the payment zone of the following cashier terminals if any of them is used.


Cashier Interface

Traditional POS

Smart POS-A

Smart POS-B

Display sample





Note: If you have displayed the Alipay brand logo on the terminals listed above, you need to replace it with the "Alipay+TM PARTNER" logo.

Brand collaterals

On the brand collaterals that show the Alipay+ payment methods, you can display the brand information of Alipay+ and its supported wallets as the following examples show:


Merchant-presented Mode Payment

(Private) order code

For the Merchant-presented Mode Payment scenarios where an order code or a private order code is used, you need to display either the "Alipay+TM PARTNER" logo or the "Alipay+TM Partner" text on the order scanning page of the following terminals. And you also need to display the Alipay+ icon in the center of the QR code.


External equipment for cashier

Smart POS

Traditional POS

Vending machine

Display sample





In addition, for vending machines that are equipped with screens in different sizes, different brand display guidelines are recommended.

Vending machine with a small screen

Vending machine with a large screen



  • Display the "Alipay+TM PARTNER" logo on the payment method option page.
  • To increase the brand exposure, it is recommended to display the brand information of Alipay+ and its supported wallets on a brand sticker and stick the sticker in the prominent position of the vending machine.

Note: It is also recommended to reserve the Alipay brand sticker, if any.

  • Display the brand information of Alipay+ and its supported wallets on the payment method option page.
  • If there is too much brand information that needs to be displayed on the screen, it is recommended to display the brand information in the tile mode.

Entry code

For the Merchant-presented Mode Payment scenarios where an entry code is used, brand collaterals and some payment-related pages are involved to display the Alipay+ brand information.

Brand collaterals

To improve the customers' brand awareness of Alipay+, it is recommended to display the brand information of Alipay+ and its supported wallets on the brand collaterals, such as a stand card that shows the order code.



You need to display the Alipay+ brand information on the order confirmation page and payment result page in the correct format.

Order confirmation pagePayment result page



Display the Alipay+ logo in the upper right corner of the order confirmation page when the user pays the order with one of the Alipay+ supported wallets.

Display the "Powered by" text and the "Alipay+" logo at the bottom of the payment result page.

Common scenarios


You need to ensure the Alipay+ brand information is printed in one of the following formats on the receipt:

  • Display the "Alipay+" text as the title of the receipt.
  • Display the "Alipay+" text in the payment method zone. If you want to display the specific wallet name, use the format of [walletBrandName] (Alipay+TM Partner), where walletBrandName is obtained from the walletBrandName parameter that is returned in the transaction response. For example, Alipay HK (Alipay+TM Partner).
  • Display the "Powered by Alipay+" text near the bottom of the receipt.
  • If the receipt printer can print images, you can also use the "Alipay+" brand logo instead of the text.


Transaction management interface

The following transaction management interfaces are involved to display the Alipay+ brand information.

Terminal transaction management interface

It is recommended to display the "Alipay+TM PARTNER" logo or the "Alipay+TM Partner" text as a payment method on the transaction inquiry page and transaction detail page:


Note: You can also directly display the specific Alipay+ supported wallet name instead of the "Alipay+TM PARTNER" logo or text. The name must be in the format of [walletBrandName] (Alipay+TM Partner), for example, Alipay HK (Alipay+TM Partner). However, when more wallets are supported, you need to update the terminal to add the corresponding wallet logos.

Backend transaction management interface

It is recommended to display the Alipay+ brand information in the following two zones of the backend transaction management interface.

  • Use the "Alipay+" text in the navigation zone if any entry text needs to contain the Alipay+ brand information.
  • Display the text of the Alipay+ supported wallet name in the Payment Method column. The text must be in the format of [walletBrandName] (Alipay+TM Partner), where walletBrandName is obtained from the walletBrandName parameter that is returned in the transaction response.


Merchant bills

In the bill file that is provided to the merchant, you need to display the text of the Alipay+ supported wallet name in the payment channel column. The text must be in the format of [walletBrandName] (Alipay+TM Partner), where walletBrandName is obtained from the walletBrandName parameter that is returned in the transaction response.


Download resources

Contact the Alipay+ integration architect to get the logo images as you require.