Alipay+ DocsAlipay+ Docs

Upgrade account

Log in

Log in to the Alipay+ Unified Portal using your payment account's email and password.


  • If your workspace involves multiple Alipay+ portals, you will enter Alipay+ Unified Portal after logging in. From there, select Alipay+ Global Merchant Portal (Alipay+ GM Portal) to initiate your account upgrade process.


  • If you only use Alipay+ Partner Workspace, you will enter Alipay+ Partner Workspace after logging in. Click Marketing on the homepage to initiate your account upgrade process.


Sign agreement

Carefully read and agree to the Alipay+ Global Merchant Portal Agreement. This indicates you agree to synchronize account, store, and coupon information with Alipay+ GM Portal. Once reviewed, click Confirm & Continue to affirm your agreement and proceed to the next step.


Synchronize account info

  1. Confirm which accounts require synchronization.


  1. During the data synchronization process, the page shows the Signing status. You may click Refresh to update the page.


  1. After the data synchronization is completed, the page shows Upgrade successfully. Click Go to go to the Alipay+ GM Portal homepage.
