Upgrade account
Log in
Log in to the Alipay+ Unified Portal using your payment account's email and password.
- If your workspace involves multiple Alipay+ portals, you will enter Alipay+ Unified Portal after logging in. From there, select Alipay+ Global Merchant Portal (Alipay+ GM Portal) to initiate your account upgrade process.
- If you only use Alipay+ Partner Workspace, you will enter Alipay+ Partner Workspace after logging in. Click Marketing on the homepage to initiate your account upgrade process.
Sign agreement
Carefully read and agree to the Alipay+ Global Merchant Portal Agreement. This indicates you agree to synchronize account, store, and coupon information with Alipay+ GM Portal. Once reviewed, click Confirm & Continue to affirm your agreement and proceed to the next step.
Synchronize account info
- Confirm which accounts require synchronization.
- During the data synchronization process, the page shows the Signing status. You may click Refresh to update the page.
- After the data synchronization is completed, the page shows Upgrade successfully. Click Go to go to the Alipay+ GM Portal homepage.