Alipay+ DocsAlipay+ Docs

Make a payment

Alipay+ provides a set of APIs and SDKs for Mobile Payment Providers (MPPs) to implement the capability of making a payment in the scenario where a user uses an MPP app to scan the QR code that is presented by the merchant, which can be either an entry code or an order code.

To make a payment, the MPP needs to take the following steps:

Workflow of making a payment

The following figure illustrates the workflow of making a payment in the Merchant-presented Mode Payment scenario.


  • The following payment flow assumes that the merchant's code is an Alipay+ code and that the MPP uses the Alipay+ server SDK to identify the code. For more information, see Filter and identify the code.
  • Steps 16 to 23 are handled by Alipay+ and the MPP is not involved.
  • To process payment requests from merchants and ACQPs that operate in the Chinese mainland, the MPP client needs to additionally obtain the MPP user ID through the OAuth 2.0 process. For more information, see Workflow of making a payment in the Chinese mainland.

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Figure 1. Workflow of making a payment

The payment process consists of the following steps:

  1. The user opens the Scan page in the MPP app (Step 1).
  2. The MPP app calls the getAcceptanceMarkLogos API from Alipay+ Client SDK to obtain the logos of acceptance marks (Step 2).
  3. The MPP app obtains the logos of acceptance marks and displays them on the Scan page (Steps 3-4).
  4. The user uses the MPP app to scan the QR code that is presented by the merchant. The MPP should enable access to both HTTP and HTTPS URLs when scanning a static entry code (Step 5).
  5. The MPP client sends the code value to the MPP server for code identification (Step 6).
  6. The MPP server calls the Alipay+ server SDK to identify the code type and whether the code is supported by Alipay+ (Step 7).
  7. The CodeIdentificationService#identifyCode API of the Alipay+ server SDK returns the code identification result to the MPP server (Step 8), which contains the following information:
    • The isSupported parameter that indicates whether the code is supported by Alipay+.
    • The postCodeMatchActionType parameter that indicates the code type.
  1. The MPP decodes the code. Depending on the code type, the decoding process is different:
    • If the code is identified as an entry code (postCodeMatchActionType=OPEN_URL):
      1. The MPP server sends the code identification result to the MPP client (Step 9).
      2. The MPP client calls the launch API of the Alipay+ client SDK to start the payment process (Step 10).
      3. The Alipay+ client SDK redirects the user to the merchant. The merchant displays a cashier page to the user (Steps 11-12).
      4. The user enters the payment amount on the merchant cashier page (Step 13).
      5. The merchant/ACQP places a payment order to Alipay+ (Step 14).
      6. Alipay+ constructs and sends a payment URL to the merchant/ACQP. The payment information is stored as a code value in the payment URL (Steps 15-16).
      7. The merchant/ACQP redirects the user to the MPP cashier page as specified by the payment URL (Step 17).
      8. The Alipay+ client SDK intercepts the payment URL to obtain the code value (Step 18).
      9. The Alipay+ client SDK calls the decode API to send the code value to the MPP client (Step 19).
      10. The MPP client sends the decoding request with the code value to the MPP server (Step 20).
    • If the code is identified as an order code (postCodeMatchActionType=DECODE): the MPP server can request that Alipay+ decode the code directly. See step 21 for the next steps.
  1. The MPP server initiates a decoding request via the userInitiatedPay API. Alipay+ returns the payment information to the MPP server (Steps 21-22).
  2. The MPP server forwards the payment information to the MPP client (Step 23).
  3. The MPP client displays the cashier page, where the user confirms and completes the payment (Steps 24-25).
  4. The MPP processes the payment. The MPP server then notifies Alipay+ of the payment result via the notifyPayment API (Steps 26-27).
  5. Alipay+ notifies the merchant/ACQP of the payment result (Step 28).
  6. The MPP server sends the payment result to the MPP client. The MPP client then displays the payment result page to the user (Steps 29-30).
  7. (Optional) If the paymentRedirectURL parameter is returned by Alipay+ in the userInitiatedPay API, the MPP redirects the user back to the payment result page of the merchant (Steps 31-32).

Step 1: Render the Scan page

When the MPP identifies that a user is in a region where the Alipay+ payment method is available, the Scan page needs to be rendered with varied acceptance marks. To prepare the Scan page, the MPP needs to call the getAcceptanceMarkLogos API from Alipay+ Client SDK. The following figure illustrates the workflow of obtaining logos of acceptance marks.


Figure 2. The workflow of obtaining logos of acceptance marks

The process of obtaining the logos of acceptance marks consists of the following steps:

  1. The user opens the Scan page in the MPP app (Step 1).
  2. The MPP app calls the getAcceptanceMarkLogos API from Alipay+ Client SDK to obtain the logos of acceptance marks. The MPP can determine whether to pass in the region parameter in the API request (Step 2).
  3. (Optional) If the configuration information is not cached locally or if more than 24 hours are elapsed since Alipay+ Client SDK last pulls the configuration information, Alipay+ Client SDK calls the fetchConfig API to obtain the configuration information from the Alipay+ server (Steps 3-4).
  4. The MPP app obtains the logos of acceptance marks in either of the following ways (Steps 5-9):
    • If the region parameter is not passed in by the MPP, Alipay+ Client SDK determines the user's current location based on the cellular service provider information and/or the time zone obtained from the MPP app. Alipay+ Client SDK then retrieves the logos of acceptance marks from the configuration information and returns them to the MPP app.
    • If the region parameter is passed in by the MPP, Alipay+ Client SDK directly obtains the logos of acceptance marks from the configuration information and returns them to the MPP app.


If Alipay+ is not supported in the user's current location, Alipay+ Client SDK returns an empty array.

  1. The MPP app displays the logos of acceptance marks accordingly on the Scan page (Step 10).

For more information about the requirements on the Scan page, see Merchant-presented Mode Payment. Then, the user scans the QR code presented by the merchant.

Step 2: Filter and identify the code

After the user scans the QR code with the MPP app, the MPP must filter and identify the code before sending the code to Alipay+ for decoding.


To ensure that the MPP can obtain the code value, the MPP app needs to be able to recognize different types of QR codes, including inverted QR codes. For more information, see Code format specification.

Step 2.1 Filter the code

To decide whether the code is to be processed by the MPP or Alipay+, the MPP can filter the code with either of the following solutions:

  • Allowlist solution: The MPP constructs a QR code allowlist to filter the codes.
  • Blocklist solution: The MPP constructs a QR code blocklist to filter the codes.

See the following sections for details about each solution.

Allowlist solution

The following figure illustrates the process of filtering the code with an allowlist:


Figure 3. MPP allowlist solution

The MPP filters the code with the allowlist solution in the following steps:

  1. The MPP constructs a QR code allowlist.
  2. The MPP checks whether the code is an MPP local code or in the MPP allowlist.
    • If the code is an MPP local code or in the MPP allowlist, the MPP processes the code according to its own business logic.
    • If the code is neither an MPP local code nor in the MPP allowlist, the MPP can then identify the code. For more information, see Step 2.2 Identify the code.

Blocklist solution

The following figure illustrates the process of filtering the code with a blocklist:


Figure 4. MPP blocklist solution

The MPP filters the code with the blocklist solution in the following steps:

  1. The MPP constructs a QR code blocklist.
  2. The MPP checks whether the code is in the MPP blocklist.
    • If the code is in the MPP blocklist, the MPP rejects the code.
    • If the code is not in the MPP blocklist, proceed.
  1. The MPP checks whether the code is an MPP local code.
    • If the code is an MPP local code, the MPP processes the code according to its own business logic.
    • If the code is not an MPP local code, the MPP can then identify the code. For more information, see Step 2.2 Identify the code.

Step 2.2 Identify the code

The MPP identifies whether the code is supported by Alipay+ by calling the Alipay+ server SDK APIs. For more information, see How to identify Alipay+ codes.

For different code identification results, take actions as follows:

  • If the code is supported by Alipay+, the MPP server requests Alipay+ to decode the code. For more information, see Step 3: Decode the code.
  • Otherwise, the MPP processes the code according to its own logic.

Step 3: Decode the code

If the code is identified as an Alipay+ code, the MPP can proceed to decode the code to obtain the payment information. For Merchant-presented Mode Payment, the Alipay+ code can be either an order code or an entry code, the MPP can decode the codes accordingly:

  • If the code is an Alipay+ order code, send a userInitiatedPay request to Alipay+ for decoding.
  • If the code is an Alipay+ entry code, process the entry code first according to steps 5-20 as described in the Workflow, then send a userInitiatedPay request to Alipay+ for decoding.

Processing logic

When using the userInitiatedPay API, take the following things into consideration:

  • Ensure the following parameters are configured properly in the request:
    • codeValue: the code value that the user scans.
    • customerId: the unique ID that is assigned by the MPP to identify a user.
  • Handle the response properly, especially the following parameters:
    • codeType: the type of code that the user scans. The following parameters are returned only when the value of the codeType parameter is ORDER_CODE and the decoding process is successful:
      • order: the order information that is agreed upon by the user and the merchant. This information is used to render and display the cashier page in the MPP's terminal. For more information, see Step 4: Render and present the cashier page
      • paymentAmount: the amount that Alipay+ requests to receive from the MPP.
      • payToAmount: the amount that the MPP needs to settle to Alipay+.
    • paymentRedirectURL: the URL where the user is redirected after the payment is completed. If this parameter is returned, the MPP needs to redirect the user back to the merchant side. For more information, see Step 5: Redirect the user back to the merchant.
    • result: the decoding result. The MPP might receive different results from Alipay+. Follow the instructions below to handle the result.



Request status




Decoding succeeds.

Guide the user to confirm the payment.


Multiple possible values exist, such as



Decoding fails.

Take actions according to the result code (specified on the result.resultCode parameter). For more information, see the Result code section in the userInitiatedPay API.


Multiple possible values exist, such as REQUEST_TRAFFIC_EXCEED_LIMIT, UNKNOWN_EXCEPTION, etc.

Decoding is in processing.

Retry the same request until the value of result.resultStatus becomes S or F.

No result received


Retry the same request.

For more information about how to use the API (such as the parameter description), see userInitiatedPay.


The following samples show the request and response when the MPP calls the Alipay+ userInitiatedPay API in the Merchant-presented Mode Payment scenario.

Request from the MPP to Alipay+


Response from Alipay+ to the MPP

  "result": {
  "acquirerId": "102xxxxxxxxxxxx0001",

Step 4: Render and present the cashier page

After receiving the payment information from the userInitiatedPay API response, the MPP renders and presents the cashier page to the user, where the payment details are displayed. The user then confirms the information and completes the payment.

(Optional) Step 5: Redirect the user back to the merchant

If the paymentRedirectURL parameter is returned by Alipay+ in the userInitiatedPay API response, the MPP needs to redirect the user back to the payment result page that is specified by the ACQP.

When implementing the capability of redirection back, apply the following rules:

  • The MPP must use WebView to open the URL specified by the paymentRedirectURL.
  • The MPP needs to trust all URLs that are involved in Alipay+ transactions so that the user redirection to the merchant side will not be blocked.
  • If no paymentRedirectURL is passed, it is recommended to redirect the user back to the MPP app homepage, instead of the merchant side.


Workflow of making a payment in the Chinese mainland

To process payment requests from merchants and ACQPs that operate in the Chinese mainland, the merchant needs to obtain the MPP user ID through the OAuth 2.0 process. Therefore, the MPP client needs to integrate the getAuthCode API of the Alipay+ Client SDK (version 2.43.0 or higher) and the MPP server needs to integrate the applyToken API.

The following figure illustrates the workflow of making a payment in the Chinese mainland.


Figure 5. Workflow of making a payment in the Chinese mainland

The additional authorization process of obtaining the MPP user ID consists of the following steps (Steps 10-28):

  1. The MPP calls the launch API of the Alipay+ Client SDK to start the payment process (Step 10).
  2. The Alipay+ Client SDK redirects the user to the merchant page along with a user agent string that represents the Alipay wallet (Step 11).
  3. The merchant/ACQP identifies the user agent string and composes the Alipay authorization URL (Step 12).
  4. Before the merchant/ACQP redirects the user to the Alipay authorization URL, the URL is intercepted by the Alipay+ Client SDK (Steps 13-14).
  5. The Alipay+ Client SDK sends the Alipay authorization URL to Alipay+ and then obtains the MPP authorization information from Alipay+. The authorization information consists of the merchant redirection URL, authorization scope, and the authClientId parameter (Steps 15-17).
  6. With the MPP authorization information, the Alipay+ Client SDK calls the getAuthCode API to obtain the authorization code from the MPP client (Step 18).
  7. The MPP server generates and returns the authorization code to the MPP client, which syncs the authorization code to the Alipay+ Client SDK (Steps 19-21). The authorization code that the MPP returns needs to meet the following conditions:
    • The authorization code is within 32 bits in length.
    • The prefix of the authorization code is in the format of 281***13, where the *** part is the routing number assigned by Alipay+.
    • The authorization code is valid for at least 5 minutes and can be used only once.
  1. The Alipay+ Client SDK redirects the user to the merchant page whose redirection URL contains the authorization code (Step 22).
  2. The merchant/ACQP identifies the authorization code and calls Alipay+ to request an access token (Steps 23-24).
  3. Alipay+ calls the applyToken API to request an access token from the MPP server (Step 25).
  4. The MPP server returns the access token and customer ID to Alipay+ (Step 26).
  5. With the customer ID, Alipay+ creates an Alipay user ID and syncs it to the merchant/ACQP (Steps 27-28).


  • It is recommended that the MPP use an accelerated domain name to enable faster access to Alipay+. For more information, see Overview.
  • Check if the MPP server has IP access restrictions. If so, the MPP server needs to add the domain names of merchants and ACQPs to its whitelist or the user needs to use VPN in the Chinese mainland.
  • The MPP needs to obtain the ICP (Internet Content Provider) license for the domain name used in the Chinese mainland.