Inquire about registration status
After successfully sending a registration request, the Acquiring Partner (ACQP) can inquire about the registration status from Alipay+ by calling the inquiryRegistrationStatus API.
Processing logic
When using the inquiryRegistrationStatus API in the Merchant-presented Mode Payment Scenario, the ACQP needs to take the following things into consideration:
- The ACQP can call the API at a fixed frequency, for example, once a day, to obtain the latest registration status until all the MPPs return the registration results.
- The ACQP can query the registration result of the corresponding request by specifying the value of registrationRequestId, or query the registration result of the corresponding merchant by specifying the values of both registrationMerchantId and registrationStoreId.
- In the response returned by Alipay+, the ACQP can check both the collective registration status of all the MPPs to be registered to, and the registration status of a certain MPP.
For more information about how to use the API (such as the parameter description), see inquiryRegistrationStatus.
The following samples show the request and response when the ACQP calls the Alipay+ inquiryRegistrationStatus API in the Merchant-presented Mode Payment Scenario.
Request from the ACQP to Alipay+
"referenceMerchantId": "2188120000190000",
"referenceStoreId": "340000"
Response from Alipay+ to the ACQP
"result": {
"resultCode": "SUCCESS",
"resultStatus": "S",
"resultMessage": "Success"
"registrationResult": {
"registrationStatus": "COMPLETED"
"pspRegistrationResultList": [{
"productCodes": ["IN_STORE_PAYMENT"],
"pspName": "ALIPAY_CN",
"registrationResult": {
"registrationStatus": "APPROVED"