Alipay+ client SDK interfaces
This document introduces interfaces that are provided by Alipay+ client SDK.
1. Overview
This section describes the interfaces that are used in the interaction between Alipay+ SDK and Mobile Payment Partner APP.
1.1 API (Mobile Payment Partner APP -> Alipay+ SDK)
Interface name | Description | Required |
The Mobile Payment Partner (MPP) app uses the init/initWithContext API to initialize the Alipay+ client SDK. The interface name for Android is init and for iOS is initWithContext. | M | |
Open the Alipay+ Center, which is a mini program. | M | |
The Mobile Payment Partner (MPP) app uses the getPaymentCode API to obtain the payment code from the Alipay+ client SDK. The payment code is returned by the paymentCodeListener object and needs to be rendered by the Mobile Payment Partner independently. Required for the User-presented Mode Payment product. | O | |
The MPP app uses the decode API to send a decoding request to the Alipay+ client SDK. Note: Required in the Merchant-presented Mode Payment and Cashier Payment scenarios. | O | |
The Mobile Payment Partner (MPP) app must use the clear API to clear the login information that is cached by the SDK when the user logs out. Otherwise, some business errors might occur. | M | |
The Mobile Payment Partner (MPP) app uses the inquireQuote API to query the exchange rate between a pair of currencies. However, the exchange rate returned by Alipay+ is only for reference. | O | |
The Mobile Payment Partner (MPP) app uses the signContract API to start the user authorization process for Auto Debit payments. |
1.2 SPI (Alipay+ SDK -> Mobile Payment Partner APP)
Interface name | Description | Required |
The Alipay+ client SDK uses the getAuthCode SPI to obtain the authorization code from the Mobile Payment Partner (MPP). | M | |
The Alipay+ client SDK uses the showAuthPage SPI to display the authorization page for the user to proceed with the authorization. | M | |
The Alipay+ client SDK uses the pay SPI to open the payment confirmation page in the Mobile Payment Partner app. | M | |
Obtain the user open information. | M | |
Use this interface to allow the user to scan a QR code or barcode presented by the merchant or selected from the album with Mobile Payment Partner app, then return the code string to Alipay+ SDK. | M | |
Use this interface to open a scheme, through which the user can view the wanted content. See Android app links and iOS Universal links for details. | M |
2.1 init/initWithContext
The Mobile Payment Partner (MPP) app uses the init/initWithContext API to initialize the Alipay+ client SDK. The initialization takes little time and is suggested to be performed when the MPP app is launched. The initialization result is returned to the MPP app by the initCallback function for Android, and by the success/failure function for iOS.
Item | Android type | iOS type | Description | Required |
application | @NonNull Application | / | The Android application object | M |
initConfig | @NonNull InitConfig | The configuration for initializing Alipay+ SDK | M | |
initCallback | @Nullable | / | The callback to be invoked by the initialization result. Note: Required only for Android. | O |
success/failure | / | @Nullable Block | The callback to be invoked by the initialization result. Note: Required only for iOS. | O |
Sample for Android
Sample of the SDK initialization:
InitConfig initConfig = new InitConfig();
// for your productron version, please use 'PROD'
initConfig.envType = "DEV";
IAPConnect.init(this, initConfig, new InitCallback() {
public void onSuccess() {
// to open Alipay+ service center
// IAPConnect.openACCenter();
public void onFailure(String errorCode, String errorMessage) {
"Initialize error, errorCode: " + errorCode + ", errorMessage: " + errorMessage,
Sample of the SPI configuration:
* Meta info associated to subclasses of the BaseService class
serviceName = "", //xxx = oauth, member, payment
category = ServiceCategory.ACL,
//Application class for registration
public void onCreate() {
//Register an implementation, this is done by the wallet devs
//This is just to demonstrate that the implementation is initialised and loaded
Sample for iOS
Sample of the SDK initialization:
func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {
let config = IAPConnectInitConfig()
config.envType = "PROD"
IAPConnectClient.sharedInstance()?.initWithContext(config, success: {
}, failure: { (error, errorMessage) in
return true
Sample of the SPI configuration:
// WalletAPI initialization
// during application setup
func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {
// register the api manager to wallet context
IAPWalletContextManager.instance.serviceManager = IAPWalletAPIManager()
// This meta info can be loaded in a invisible swift file to load the real data
let IAPWalletPaymentServiceMetaInfo = IAPWalletBaseServiceProvider(
type: IAPWalletServiceType(category: .acl, type: "payment"),
name: NSStringFromClass(PaymentService.self))
let IAPWalletOAuthServiceMetaInfo = IAPWalletBaseServiceProvider(
type: IAPWalletServiceType(category: .acl, type: "oauth"),
name: NSStringFromClass(OAuthService.self))
let IAPWalletMemberServiceMetaInfo = IAPWalletBaseServiceProvider(
type: IAPWalletServiceType(category: .acl, type: "account"),
name: NSStringFromClass(MemberInfoService.self))
let IAPWalletCodeServiceMetaInfo = IAPWalletBaseServiceProvider(
type: IAPWalletServiceType(category: .foundation, type: "code"),
name: NSStringFromClass(CodeService.self))
let IAPWalletDeeplinkServiceMetaInfo = IAPWalletBaseServiceProvider(
type: IAPWalletServiceType(category: .foundation, type: "deeplink"),
name: NSStringFromClass(Deeplink.self))
IAPWalletContextManager.instance.serviceManager?.registerServices(metaInfos: [
// do rest of the setup for app ...
return true
2.2 openACCenter
Open the Alipay+ Center, which is a Mini Program.
Android type | iOS type | Length | Description | Required |
boolean | boolean | / | An indicator of whether the Alipay+ Center is opened successfully. | Yes |
Sample for Android
boolean result = IAPConnect.openACCenter();
if (result) {
Log.d(TAG, "openACCenter succeeds");
} else {
Log.e(TAG, "openACCenter fails");
Sample for iOS
UIViewController *centerVc = [IAPConnect openACCenter];
if (centerVc) {
NSLog(@"openACCenter succeeds");
[self.navigationController pushViewController:centerVc animated:YES];
NSLog(@"openACCenter fails");
2.3 getPaymentCode
The Mobile Payment Partner (MPP) app uses the getPaymentCode API to obtain the payment code from the Alipay+ client SDK. The payment code is returned by the paymentCodeListener object.
Name | Android type | iOS type | Description | Required |
region | @NonNull String | String | The region where the payment occurs. The value is a 2-digit code in ISO 3166-1 alpha-2, for example, | M |
paymentCodeListener | @NonNull IPaymentCodeListener | Listener for payment code. Called when the payment code is generated or updated. | M |
Sample for Android
String region = "CN";
IPaymentCodeListener paymentCodeListener = new IPaymentCodeListener() {
public void onPaymentCodeUpdated(String paymentCode) {
// handle the paymentCode
// please to render the QR code and bar code in this callback
public void onPaymentCodeUpdateFailed(Result result) {
//handle the error code and error message
// Display error information to user or try to refresh the payment code again
Log.i(TAG, result.resultCode);
IAPConnect.getPaymentCode(region, paymentCodeListener);
Sample for iOS
[IAPConnect getPaymentCode:@"CN" paymentCodeListener:self];
- (void)onPaymentCodeUpdateFailed:(NSString *)resultCode resultMessage:(NSString *)resultMessage{
//handle the error code and error message
- (void)onPaymentCodeUpdated:(NSString *)paymentCode{
// handle the paymentCode
2.4 decode
The Mobile Payment Partner (MPP) app uses the decode API to send a decoding request to the Alipay+ client SDK. The MPP app may pass in an order code or entry code.
Item | Android type | iOS type | Length | Description | Required |
context | @NonNull Context | / | / | The context of the Android activity. Note: Required only for Andriod. | M |
decodeParameter | @NonNull DecodeParameter | DecodeParameter | / | The parameters that are required in the decoding process. See DecodeParameter for details. Note: The value of this parameter is returned by the Alipay+ server SDK in the code identification result. | M |
decodeCallback | @NonNull IDecodeCallback | / | The callback to be invoked to return the decoding result. | M |
Sample for Android
// handled by SDK if isAcCode is true
if (isAcCode){
decode(context, codeValue, acDecodeConfig, new IDecodeCallback(){
public void onResult(Result result){
Log.i(TAG, result.resultCode);
public void showLoading() {
// some SDK operation is time consuming, here to show loading dialog
// or the other UI to remind user
public void dismissLoading() {
// dismiss the dialog or tips UI
// handled by Mobile Payment Partner if isAcCode is false
else {
Sample for iOS
IAPConnectDecodeModel *model = [IAPConnectDecodeModel new];
model.scene = fromScene;
model.codeValue = codeValue;
[[IAPConnectClient sharedInstance] decodeWithModel:model
decodeCallback:^(IAPConnectDecodeResult *result) {
2.5 clear
The Mobile Payment Partner (MPP) app must use the clear API to clear the login information that is cached by the SDK when the user logs out. Otherwise, some business errors might occur.
Sample for Android
Sample for iOS
[IAPConnect clear];
2.6 inquireQuote
The Mobile Payment Partner (MPP) app uses the inquireQuote API to query the exchange rate between a pair of currencies. However, the exchange rate returned by Alipay+ is only for reference.
Item | Android Type | iOS Type | Description |
quoteCurrency | @NonNull QuoteCurrency | The currency pair for which the exchange rate is queried. | |
callback | @NonNull InquireQuoteCallback | The callback that is used to return the exchange rate. |
Sample for Android
QuoteCurrency quoteCurrency = new QuoteCurrency();
quoteCurrency.sellCurrency = "KRW";
quoteCurrency.buyCurrency = "JPY";
IAPConnect.inquireQuote(quoteCurrency, new InquireQuoteCallback() {
public void onResult(@NonNull String resultCode, @Nullable ForeignExchangeQuote foreignExchangeQuote) {
if (TextUtils.equals(resultCode, ResultCode.SUCCESS
&& foreignExchangeRate != null) {
// get the foreignExchangeQuote to display
} else {
// handle the fail case
Log.e(TAG, "fail to inquire quote, errorCode: " + resultCode);
Sample for iOS
IAPConnectQuoteCurrency *quoteCurrency = [IAPConnectQuoteCurrency new];
quoteCurrency.sellCurrency = @"KRW";
quoteCurrency.buyCurrency = @"JPY";
[IAPConnect inquireQuote:quoteCurrency quoteCallback:^(NSString * _Nonnull resultCode, IAPConnectForeignExchangeQuote * _Nonnull result) {
if (([resultCode isEqualToString:kIAPACSUCCESS])) {
// get the foreignExchangeQuote to display
} else {
// handle the fail case
2.7 signContract
The Mobile Payment Partner (MPP) app uses the signContract API to start the user authorization process for Auto Debit payments.
Name | Android type | iOS type | Description |
request | @NonNull SignContractRequest | @NonNull SignContractRequest | The request model for the user authorization request. |
callback | @NonNull AcCallback<AcBaseResult> | @NonNull AcCallback<AcBaseResult> | The callback to be invoked on user authorization completion. |
Sample for Android
Uri data = getIntent().getData();
String source = data.getQueryParameter("source");
if ("AlipayConnect".equals(source)) {
SignContractRequest request = new SignContractRequest();
request.needCallback = data.getBooleanQueryParameter("needCallback", false);
String bizContent = data.getQueryParameter("bizContent");
request.bizContent = bizContent;
if (TextUtils.isEmpty(bizContent)) {
request.authUrl = data.toString();
IAPConnect.signContract(request, result -> {
if (result.success) {
Log.i(TAG, "sign contract is success.");
if (TextUtils.equals(result.errorCode, ResultCode.USER_CANCEL)) {
Log.i(TAG, "sign contract is cancelled by user.");
} else {
Log.i(TAG, "sign contract is failed, resultMessage: " + result.errorMessage);
} else {
// it is not the sign contract requirement from Alipay+
Sample for iOS
func application(_ app: UIApplication, open url: URL, options: [UIApplication.OpenURLOptionsKey : Any] = [:]) -> Bool {
var data : Dictionary<String, String> = [:]
var needCallback :Bool?
var bizContent :String?
var source :String?
var authUrl :String?
let urlcomp = URLComponents(url: url, resolvingAgainstBaseURL: false)
if let items = urlcomp?.queryItems {
for item in items {
if == "code" {
data["code"] = item.value ?? ""
if == "merchantType" {
data["merchantType"] = item.value ?? ""
if == "needCallback" {
needCallback = (item.value! as NSString).boolValue
if == "bizContent" {
bizContent = item.value!
if == "source" {
source = item.value!
} NSNotification.Name(rawValue: "alipayconnect"), object: data)
if (source == "AlipayConnect") {
let signContractRequest = IAPGOLSignContractRequest()
if bizContent?.count ?? 0 > 0 {
signContractRequest.bizContent = bizContent
} else {
signContractRequest.authUrl = url.absoluteString
signContractRequest.needCallback = needCallback ?? true
IAPGOLSignContract.signContract(signContractRequest) { (result) in
if result?.success ?? false {
SVProgressHUD.showSuccess(withStatus: "success")
} else {
SVProgressHUD.showError(withStatus: result?.errorCode)
return true
3. SPI
An optional context model exists across all SPI method signature, which provides context information for tracing request, retrieving relevant merchant and acquirer information, and so on.
Context | |
Field | Description |
source | MANDATORY String Valid values are:
miniProgramInfo | OPTIONAL MiniprogramMetaData/IAPWalletMiniprogramMetaData The mini program meta data information that is generated from Alipay+ mini program platform. This field is required for the payment scenarios in the mini program. |
extendInfo | OPTIONAL Map<String, String>/Dictionary Extended information. The field is reserved for future use. |
MiniprogramMetaData (Android)/IAPWalletMiniprogramMetaData (iOS) | |
Field | Description |
appId | OPTIONAL String The unique ID that is assigned by Alipay+ mini program platform to identify a mini program |
merchantId | OPTIONAL String The unique ID that is assigned by Alipay+ mini program platform to identify a merchant |
deployVersion | OPTIONAL String Deployment version Example: |
name | OPTIONAL String Mini program name |
logo | OPTIONAL String Logo URL Example: |
desc | OPTIONAL String Description of the mini program |
developerVersion | OPTIONAL String Internal developement version Example: |
appType | OPTIONAL Int App type. Valid values are:
acquirerId | OPTIONAL String The unique ID that is assigned by Alipay+ to identify an acquirer |
languages | OPTIONAL Map<String, Map<String, String>>/NSDictionary<NSString*, NSDictionary<NSString*, NSString*>> Mini program information in different languages, which contains name, description, and logo. Example:
clientParams | OPTIONAL Map<String, String>/Dictionary Currently the sub field of appSourceTag is contained, which describes the source category of the mini program. Valid values of appSourceTag are:
publishStatus | OPTIONAL String Status of the mini program. Valid values are:
authClientID | OPTIONAL String The unique ID that is assigned by Alipay+ to identify an AuthClient |
acParams | OPTIONAL Map<String, String>/Dictionary Extended information. The field is reserved for future use. |
3.1 getAuthCode
The Alipay+ client SDK uses the getAuthCode SPI to obtain the authorization code from the Mobile Payment Partner (MPP).
Implement the interface according to the following method signature:
getAuthCode(String clientId,
Set<String> scopes,
OAuthCodeFlowType type,
Map<String,String> extendedInfo,
APIContext context,
Callback<OAuthResult> callback);
getAuthCode(String url,
OAuthCodeFlowType type,
Map<String,String> extendedInfo,
APIContext context,
Callback<OAuthResult> callback)
Name | Android & iOS type | Description |
authResult | The reuslt of the authorization, including the authorization code, authorization statement, and the scopes that are granted. See authorization scopes for all the possible scopes. | |
OAuthCodeFlowType | AuthFlowType | The type of OAuth flow. In Android system, valid values are:
In IOS system, valid values are:
Sample for Android
* OAuth, implement the OAuthService class
* Call the getAuthorizedCodes to check which grant is provided to a clientId, before
* making requests to the associated services of <? extends BaseService>
import java.util.Set;
* @since 0.1.1
public class OAuthServiceProvider implements OAuthService {
* Called to trigger the wallet to start the OAuth process, which will return the Authorisation
* Code
* @param clientId clientId
* @param scopes scopes of the client's request,
* See authorization scopes
* @param oauthFlowType The type of OAuth flow [Standard, Alipay_connect, local_mini_program]
* @param extendedInfo Support specific scenario for non-unified scenarios,
* etc Alipay+ has need for clientAuthId
* @param callback The callback on the result of the user's OAuth approval
* @since 0.3.0
void getAuthCode(String clientId, Set<String> scopes, OAuthCodeFlowType oauthFlowType,
Map<String, String> extendedInfo, APIContext apContext, Callback<OAuthResult> callback) {
OAuthResult authResult = new OAuthResult();
//Implement the OAuth flow and retrieve the authToken
* This method is invoked when some service starts OAuth flow by passing in a agreement url
* which needs to be rendered and signed by the user
* @param url The agreement url to open and sign
* @param oauthFlowType The type of OAuth flow [Standard, Alipay_connect, local_mini_program]
* @param extendedInfo Support specific scenario for non-unified scenarios,
* etc Alipay+ has need for clientAuthId
* @param callback The callback on the result of the user's OAuth approval
* @since 0.3.0
void getAuthCode(String url, OAuthCodeFlowType oauthFlowType, Map<String, String> extendedInfo
, APIContext apContext, Callback<OAuthResult> callback) {
OAuthResult oAuthResult = new OAuthResult();
//Decodes the URL, and perform OAuth permission grant
Possible Auth Scopes:
Sample for iOS
final class OAuthService: IAPWalletOAuthServiceSignature {
Possible Auth Scopes:
/// This method is invoked when some service starts OAuth process from the wallet
/// - Parameters:
/// - clientId: the cliend Id of the service registered from the
/// - scopes: the scopes the client plans to apply
/// - type: the type of the authCode grant flow, default as standard the API caller can also specify it as a .alipayConnect specific flow.
/// - extendedInfo: Extended info parameters for non standard authflow
/// - callback: callback which will be used to inform the service caller about the service result
override func getAuthCode(clientId: String,
scopes: Set<String>,
type: IAPWalletOAuthCodeFlowType,
extendedInfo: [String: String],
in context: IAPWalletAPIContext?,
callback: @escaping (IAPWalletOAuthResult) -> Void) {
// 1. execute auth process
// type: .standard -> only the clientId is needed to get the authCode.
// type: .localMiniProgram / .alipayConnect -> need to pass both the clientId as well as the authClientId
// 2. based on auth result, cache current authorized scopes under userId and clientId
// the scopes are granted via step 1. from the PSP OAuth server
updateScopes(clientId: "clientId", incrementedScopes: ["BASE_USER_INFO"], decrementedScopes: ["USER_INFO"])
// 3. after the authcode has been retrieved (in an asynchronous loop), trigger the callback
// ----> async remote call: {
callback(IAPWalletOAuthResult(authCode: "${server-issued-authCode}",
authState: "${server-issued-authState}",
authErrorScopes: ["USER_INFO": "${failed reasons}"],
authSuccessScopes: ["BASE_USER_INFO"]))
// ----> async remote call: }
/// This method is invoked when some service starts OAuth flow by passing in a agreement url which needs to be
/// rendered and signed by the user
/// - Parameters:
/// - url: The aggreement url to open and sign
/// - type: the type of the authCode grant flow, default as standard the API caller can also specify it as a .alipayConnect specific flow.
/// - extendedInfo: Extended info parameters for non strandard authflow
/// - callback: callback which will be user to inform the service caller about the service result
override func getAuthCode(url: String,
type: IAPWalletOAuthCodeFlowType,
extendedInfo: [String: String],
in context: IAPWalletAPIContext?,
callback: @escaping (IAPWalletOAuthResult) -> Void) {
// 1. open the webview via url, check whether the following params are presented in the url
// type: .standard -> only the clientId is needed to get the authCode.
// type: .localMiniProgram / .alipayConnect -> need to pass both the clientId as well as the authClientId
// 2. detect the universal link/redirect link triggered by the webpage
// 3. based on auth result, cache current authorized scopes under userId and clientId
// the scopes are retrieved from step 2.
updateScopes(clientId: "clientId", incrementedScopes: ["BASE_USER_INFO"], decrementedScopes: ["USER_INFO"])
// 4. after the authcode has been retrieved (in an asynchronous loop), trigger the callback
// ----> async remote call: {
callback(IAPWalletOAuthResult(authCode: "${server-issued-authCode}",
authState: "${server-issued-authState}",
authErrorScopes: ["USER_INFO": "${failed reasons}"],
authSuccessScopes: ["BASE_USER_INFO"]))
// ----> async remote call: }
// Provide updateScopes for store authScope info at the point when OAuth success,
// and getScopes for retrieving previously granted authScopes of the specific user.
func updateScopes(clientId: String, incrementedScopes: [String] = [], decrementedScopes: [String] = []) {
let userId = "${current-user-id-in-app}"
let key = String(format: "IAPWalletAuthScope-%@-%@", userId, clientId)
let raw = UserDefaults.standard.array(forKey: key) as? [String] ?? []
let currentScopes = Set(raw)
.sorted(), forKey: key)
func getScopes(clientId: String) -> [String] {
let userId = "${current-user-id-in-app}"
let key = String(format: "IAPWalletAuthScope-%@-%@", userId, clientId)
return UserDefaults.standard.array(forKey: key) as? [String] ?? []
3.2 showAuthPage
The Alipay+ client SDK uses the showAuthPage SPI to display the authorization page for the user to proceed with the authorization.
Implement the SPI according to the following method signature:
showAuthPage(clientId: String, name: String,
logo: String, scopes: Set<String>, extendedInfo: [String : String]? = nil,
in context: IAPWalletAPIContext?,
callback: @escaping (IAPWalletAuthPageConfirmResult) -> Void)
public void showAuthPage(String clientId,
String name,
String logo,
Set<String> scopes,
Map<String, String> extendedInfo,
APIContext apContext,
Callback<OAuthPageConfirmResult> callback)
Name | Android & iOS type | Description |
pageConfirmResult | The user authorization result for the auto-debit payment. |
Sample for Android
* OAuth, implement the OAuthService class
* Call the getAuthorizedCodes to check which grant is provided to a clientId, before
* making requests to the associated services of <? extends BaseService>
import java.util.Set;
* @since 0.1.1
public class OAuthServiceProvider implements OAuthService {
* This method is invoked when some service starts OAuth flow by passing in a agreement url
* which needs to be rendered and signed by the user
* @param clientId the clientId of the app which triggers the authpage
* @param name the name of the app to be displayed in the auth page
* @param logo the app's logo, in form of a valid http/https resource 'url' to a logo image
* @param scopes: the auth scopes the app is applying for, refer to this reference here:
* @param extendedInfo Support specific scenario for non-unified scenarios,
* etc Alipay+ has need for clientAuthId
* @param callback The callback on the result of the user's OAuth approval
* @since 0.3.1
public void showAuthPage(String clientId, String name, String logo, Set<String> scopes,
Map<String, String> extendedInfo, APIContext apContext, Callback<OAuthPageConfirmResult> callback) {
//Generate the OAuth permission page as required.
//UI design of the page is specific to PSP implementation.
OAuthPageConfirmResult confirmResult = null;
String referenceAgreementId = ${OAuth service returns a reference approval id}; //optional, can be null
if(${user approved}) {//If success
confirmResult = new OAuthPageConfirmResult(referenceAgreementId);
} else { //If fail/error
confirmResult = new OAuthPageConfirmResult(null);
//Error handling reference
Possible Auth Scopes:
Sample for iOS
import IAPWalletContext
final class OAuthService: IAPWalletOAuthServiceSignature {
/// **Note: ** the following SPIs are not used by Ant SDKs
/// consultAuthPage(authId: String, extendedInfo: [String : String] = [:], callback: @escaping (IAPWalletOAuthConsultResult) -> Void)
/// consultAuthPage(clientId: String, scopes: Set<String>, extendedInfo: [String : String] = [:], callback: @escaping (IAPWalletOAuthConsultResult) -> Void)
/// This API is triggered by some of the Ant SDK use cases, like local miniprogram to ask App for displaying an authPage.
/// - Parameter clientId: the clientId of the app which triggers the authpage
/// - Parameter name: the name of the app to be displayed in the auth page
/// - Parameter logo: the app's logo, in form of `url`
/// - Parameter scopes: the auth scopes the app is applying for, refer to this [link]( for the complete list of scopes.
/// - Parameter extendedInfo: the extra optional information which the app might require to display on the authPage, refer to this [link]() for complete list of optional params
/// - Parameter callback: the async callback to inform whether the user abort or confirm the authPage. If error object is not nil in the service result, it means the user reject/aborts the authPage.
override func showAuthPage(clientId: String,
name: String,
logo: String,
scopes: Set<String>,
extendedInfo: [String : String]? = nil,
in context: IAPWalletAPIContext?,
callback: @escaping (IAPWalletAuthPageConfirmResult) -> Void) {
// override the method to provide a authpage confirmation popover
var scopeInfo = ""
for scope in scopes {
if (scope == OAuthService.SCOPE_BASE_USER_INFO) {
scopeInfo += "- Access basic user information\n"
} else if (scope == OAuthService.SCOPE_AGREEMENT_PAY) {
scopeInfo += "- Conduct aggreement pay automatically\n"
} else if (scope == OAuthService.SCOPE_USER_NAME) {
scopeInfo += "- Access to user's real name\n"
} else if (scope == OAuthService.SCOPE_USER_LOGIN_ID) {
scopeInfo += "- Retrieve user login id in the app.\n"
} // ... iterate through all possible scopes
let authPage = UIAlertController(title: "Authorisation Confirmation",
message: "\(name) wants to access for the following information: \n\(scopeInfo)" ,
preferredStyle: .alert)
authPage.addAction(UIAlertAction(title: NSLocalizedString("OK", comment: "Default action"),
style: .default,
handler: { _ in
// 1. synchronize with wallet server regarding aggreement check
// ----> async remote call: {
----- case 1 -----
// 2.1 Option 1: when confirmation is purely checked offline
// then inform the SDK that agreement has ben confirmed
let result = IAPWalletAuthPageConfirmResult()
----- case 2 -----
// 2.2 Option 2: when confirmation is passed to server for ack
// then inform the SDK with the agreementId from server
let result = IAPWalletAuthPageConfirmResult("${agreementReferenceId}")
// ----> }
authPage.addAction(UIAlertAction(title: NSLocalizedString("Cancel", comment: "User reject"),
style: .cancel,
handler: { _ in
// 1. if error is presented, the SDK will assume user abort the operation.
let result = IAPWalletAuthPageConfirmResult()
result.error = NSError(domain: "${psp-wallet-domain}",
code: IAPWalletBaseServiceResult.ERROR_CODE_USER_CANCEL, // or any ${psp-wallet-domain-code}
userInfo: [NSLocalizedDescriptionKey: "user canceled"])
Possible Auth Scopes:
3.3 pay
The Alipay+ client SDK uses the pay SPI to open the payment confirmation page in the Mobile Payment Partner app.
Implement the SPI according to the following method signature:
pay(with request: IAPWalletPaymentRequest,
in context: IAPWalletAPIContext?,
callback: (IAPWalletPaymentResult) -> Void)
void pay (PaymentRequest paymentRequest,
APIContext apiContext,
Callback<PaymentResult> callback)
Name | Android & iOS type | Length | Description |
paymentRequest | / | The object that initiates a payment. | |
paymentResult | / | The callback that is used to return the payment result. |
Sample for Android
public class PaymentServiceProvider implements PaymentService {
* The method that is call for any payment request to bring up e.g. the cashier pay to fulfill
* payment to the payment requestee
* @param request The request object
* @param callback The callback on the payment result, success/failures
public void pay(PaymentRequest request, APIContext apContext, Callback<PaymentResult> callback) {
PaymentResult paymentResult = new PaymentResult();
//Implement logic to open the cashier page
// e.g. With Griver, Griver.openUrl(...)
//To handle callbacks - Griver-H5 typed
// 1. Consider having a custom JSAPI that is able to passing payment status
// to the native level, to callback to the Callback<PaymentResult> object
// 2. Have the JSAPI implement observer pattern, to intercept requests specific
// to payment result page closure, and register the Callback<PaymentResult> object
// as an observer to it.
//To handle callbacks - Native/Java typed
// 1. Consider designing an observer pattern for your native cashier to observe for
// Cashier result page closure e.g. activity.finish()
// 2. And register the register the Callback<PaymentResult> object as observer
* Referring to payment codes from:
* - Miniprogram :
* provide a superset of the payment codes.
//Payment: ACL standardized Result Codes
public static final String CODE_PENDING = "8000";
public static final String CODE_FAILURE = "4000";
public static final String CODE_SUCCESS = "9000";
public static final String CODE_USER_CANCEL = "6001";
Sample for iOS
final class PaymentService: IAPWalletPaymentServiceSignature {
Referring to payment codes from:
- Alipay+ 2.0 :
provide a superset of the payment codes. This codes can be consumed by Miniprogram & Alipay+ directly
public static let CODE_PENDING = "8000" // PAY_PENDING
public static let CODE_FAILURE = "4000" // PAY_FAILURE
public static let CODE_SUCCESS = "9000" // PAY_SUCCESS
public static let CODE_USER_CANCEL = "6001" // USER_CANCEL
override func pay(with request: IAPWalletPaymentRequest,
in context: IAPWalletAPIContext?,
callback: (IAPWalletPaymentResult) -> Void) -> Void {
// Step 1. Check the payment type request parameters, which could be:
// - orderId: orderId
// - paymentId: paymentId
// - cashierUrl: cashier url to be rendered by web cashier
// - orderString: a string which contains complete order information. (in mini program case, this payment type is not currently used)
// Step 2. Render cashier and conduct payment process
// Step 3. Invoke callback to inform mini program about the payment result
// result code please refer to the code const listed above the pay() method.
// result message there is not strict limitation.
// ----> async remote call: {
callback(IAPWalletPaymentResult(resultCode: CODE_SUCCESS, resultMessage: "payment success"))
// ----> async remote call: }
3.4 getOpenUserInfo
Use this interface to obtain the open user information. When Mobile Payment Partner app obtains the information from Mobile Payment Partner server, the open user information is passed to Alipay+ SDK by userInfoCallback asynchronously.
Implement the SPI according to the following method signature:
getMemberInfo(strategy: IAPWalletMemberInfoFetchStrategy,
scope: IAPWalletMemberInfoScope?,
in context: IAPWalletAPIContext?,
callback: @escaping (IAPWalletMemberInfoFetchResult) -> Void)
Name | iOS & Android type | Length | Description |
memberInfo | / | The object that contains the user information | |
memberInfoResult | MemberInfoResult | / | The callback for getMemberInfo(), which includes the payload of memberInfo |
fetchStrategy | / | The strategy to fetch the user information suggested by Alipay+ Client SDK | |
memberInfoScope | / | The user information scope |
Sample for Android
public interface MemberService extends BaseService {
* Gets the current member info for this user
* @param fetchStrategy the strategy used to fetch user info, can be a
* <br>userId only - {@link},
* <br>locally cached full memberInfo - {@link}, or
* <br>force to fetch from remote - {@link}
* <br><br>Depending on user info sensitivity, you may have to consider also to validate if the
* related OAuth scope for MemberInfo has been granted via {@link, Map, APIContext, Callback)},
* if not, you may have to request {@link, OAuthCodeFlowType, Map, APIContext, Callback)} first
* @param memberInfoScope the scope of the member information should cover
* @param apiContext The api context associated with this request {@link} - Optional, set as null if not used
* @param memberInfoCallback callback returning the MemberInfoResult
* @version 0.4.1 added APIContext parameter in method signature
void getMemberInfo(MemberInfoFetchStrategy fetchStrategy, MemberInfoScope memberInfoScope, APIContext apiContext, Callback<MemberInfoResult> memberInfoCallback);
* Defines the type of strategy to return the MemberInfo details
enum MemberInfoFetchStrategy {
* Strategy to return only the userId
* The MemberService.getMemberInfo(), should immediately invoke the callback
* to simulate a synchronous response
* Strategy to returns the locally cached MemberInfo
* The MemberService.getMemberInfo(), should immediately invoke the callback
* to simulate a synchronous response
* Strategy to return the remote up to date MemberInfo
* The MemberService.getMemberInfo(), this response can be asynchronously responded
* based on network/remote response.
Sample for iOS
final class MemberInfoService: IAPWalletMemberServiceSignature {
override func getMemberInfo(strategy: IAPWalletMemberInfoFetchStrategy,
scope: IAPWalletMemberInfoScope?,
in context: IAPWalletAPIContext?,
callback: @escaping (IAPWalletMemberInfoFetchResult) -> Void) {
if (strategy == .localCached) {
// return the full amount of userInformation from local cache
let memberInfo = IAPWalletMemberInfo(
userId: "${user-id}",
sessionId: "${session-id}",
loginId: "${login-id}",
gender: "m/f",
avatar: "${avatar-url}",
userName: "${user-name}")
memberInfo.extendedInfo = [
"nickName": "nick name of user",
"countryCode": "65/86",
"province": "xxx",
"province": "xxx",
// synchronized call
callback(IAPWalletMemberInfoFetchResult(memberInfo: memberInfo))
} else if (strategy == .localUserIdOnly) {
// return user id only, this strategy is used when some of the SDK's internal logic wants
// to get a user specified path for data storage
let memberInfo = IAPWalletMemberInfo(userId: "${user-id}")
// synchronized call
callback(IAPWalletMemberInfoFetchResult(memberInfo: memberInfo))
3.5 scan
Use this interface to allow the user to scan a QR code or barcode that is presented by the merchant or selected from the album with the Mobile Payment Partner app, then return the code string to Alipay+ SDK.
Implement the SPI according to the following method signature:
scan(with option: IAPWalletScannerOption,
in context: IAPWalletAPIContext?,
callback: @escaping (IAPWalletScannerResult) -> Void)
Name | Android & IOS type | Length | Description |
scannerOption | / | The options that Mobile Payment Partner must provide for the user to scan the QR code/barcode. The options are:
| |
scanResult | / | The result collected from the scanned code |
Sample for Android
public class CodeServiceProvider implements CodeService {
public void scan(ScannerOption scannerOption, APIContext apContext, Callback<ScannerResult> scannerResultCallback) {
ScannerResult scannerResult = new ScannerResult("xxxxcodexxxx");
Sample for iOS
final class CodeService: IAPWalletCodeServiceSignature {
// Mark: this API is currently used by Miniprogram combined with Alipay+ 2.0 case.
override func scan(with option: IAPWalletScannerOption,
in context: IAPWalletAPIContext?,
callback: @escaping (IAPWalletScannerResult) -> Void) {
// open up your qrcode scanner in your app based on the following option:
// option.type = .qrCode -> qrcode scanner
// option.type = .barCode -> barcode scanner
// invoke the callback to passback the result, this can be invoked asynchronously.
// ----> async remote call: {
callback(IAPWalletScannerResult(code: "${code extracted}"))
// ----> async remote call: }
3.6 open
3.6.1 open scheme
Use this interface to open an in-app page of the destination scene or navigate to the destination scene across apps. See Android app links and iOS Universal links for details.
Implement the SPI according to the following method signature:
- Android Signature
bool open(Uri scheme, APIContext apiContext)
- iOS Signature
- Swift Signatures
open(scheme: URL, in context: IAPWalletAPI.IAPWalletAPIContext? = nil) -> Bool
- Objective-C signature
BOOL openScheme:(NSString *)url context:(APIContext *)apiContext
Item | Android type | iOS type | Length | Description |
scheme | NSString | / | Immutable URI reference. A URI reference includes a URI and a fragment. The component of the URI is followed by a number sign (#). Build and parse URI references which conform to RFC 2396. |
Android type | iOS type | Length | Description | Required |
boolean | boolean | / | An indicator of whether the scheme is opened successfully. | M |
Sample for Android
public class DeeplinkServiceProvider implements DeeplinkService {
public boolean open(Uri deepLink) {
//Your operation to open this URI
if(isAuthorised(deepLink)) {
//Handles the deeplink either natively, or as webview
} else {
//Returns false if deeplink is not handled
return false;
return true;
Sample for iOS
final class DeeplinkService: IAPWalletDeeplinkService {
// Mark: this API is currently used by Miniprogram combined with Alipay+ 2.0 case.
override func open(scheme: URL,
in context: IAPWalletAPIContext?) -> Bool {
// the wallet app can choose to process the scheme as deeplink,
// or ordinary url open in webview, the follow is returned synchronously
if UIApplication.shared.canOpenURL(scheme) {
if #available(iOS 10.0, *) {, options: [:], completionHandler: nil)
return true
} else {
return true
} else {
return false
3.6.2 open sceneCode
Use this interface to open an in-app page of the destination scene or navigate to the destination scene across apps. See Android app links and iOS Universal links for details.
Implement the SPIs according to the following method signature:
- Android Signature
open(@NonNull String sceneCode,
@NonNull Map<String, String> params,
@Nullable APIContext apiContext,
@NonNull Callback<BaseResult> openBizSceneCallback)
- iOS Signatures
- Swift Signature
open(bizSceneCode: String,
with params: [String:String],
in context: IAPWalletAPIContext? = nil,
callback: @escaping (IAPWalletBaseServiceResult) -> Void)
- Objective-C Signature
openBizSceneCode:(NSString *)sceneCode
params:(NSDictionary<NSString *, NSString *> *)params
context:(IAPWalletAPIContext *)context
callback:(void(^)(IAPWalletBaseServiceResult *))callback;
Item | Android type | iOS type | Length | Description |
sceneCode | String | NSString | / | Scene code that presents a scene, such as |
params | Map<String, String> | NSDictionary<NSString *, NSString *> | / | The parameters that the my.navigateToBizScene JSAPI provides, used for data transmission of this JSAPI. |
context | APIContext | IAPWalletAPIContext | / | The JSAPI context of mini programs. |
Android type | iOS type | Length | Description | Required |
void | void | / | An indicator of whether the scene code is opened successfully. | M |
Sample for Android
public class DeeplinkServiceProvider implements DeeplinkService {
public void open(@NonNull String sceneCode,
@NonNull Map<String, String> params,
@Nullable APIContext apiContext,
@NonNull Callback<BaseResult> openBizSceneCallback) {
BaseResult baseResult = new BaseResult();
try {
// mock handle the navigate scene.
if (sceneCode.contains("FAILURE")) {
// mock fail callback
baseResult.setResultError(new ResultError(
ResultError.ERROR_CODE_UNKNOWN_ERROR, "the is mock errorDesc in baseResult."));
}catch (Exception e) {
Toast.makeText(MyApplication.get(), "openBizScene exception: " + e, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
Sample for iOS
final class DeeplinkService: IAPWalletDeeplinkServiceSignature {
// Mark: this API is designed for future AC-Combo use cases. currently not in use. developers may leave it empty.
override func open(bizSceneCode: String, with params: [String:String], in context: IAPWalletAPIContext? = nil, callback: @escaping (IAPWalletBaseServiceResult) -> Void) {
let result = IAPWalletBaseServiceResult()
if (bizSceneCode == IAPWalletDeeplinkServiceSignature.SCENE_WEB_PAGE) {
result.extendedInfo = ["${result-param-1-key}" : "${result-param-1-value}"]
} else if (bizSceneCode == IAPWalletDeeplinkServiceSignature.SCENE_SCAN) {
result.extendedInfo = ["${result-param-1-key}" : "${result-param-1-value}"]
} else if (bizSceneCode == IAPWalletDeeplinkServiceSignature.SCENE_TOP_UP) {
result.extendedInfo = ["${result-param-1-key}" : "${result-param-1-value}"]
// implement all the relevant scene codes here.
4. Appendix
This section describes the fields that are involved in the APIs and SPIs. If the interface names or class names are different for Android and iOS, the names are separated by a slash (/), of which the former one is for Android and the latter one is for iOS.
Authorization scopes
Scope | Description |
AC | |
BASE_USER_INFO | The auth client can obtain the wallet user's unique account ID. |
AGREEMENT_PAY | The auth client can use an access token to deduct funds from the user's wallet for Auto Debit payments. |
USER_LOGIN_ID | The auth client can obtain the desensitized user login ID. |
HASH_LOGIN_ID | The auth client can obtain the wallet user's hash login ID. |
SEND_OTP | The auth client can request to send and verify OTPs. |
PLAINTEXT_USER_LOGIN_ID | The auth client can obtain the wallet user's plain-text login ID. |
Item | Description |
referenceAgreementId | The unique ID that is assigned by the auth client to identify an authorization. Note: Required if the authorization for the Auto Debit payment is successful. |
public class Scene / enum Scene
Andriod Item | Andriod type | iOS item | iOS type | Description |
ACConstants.Scene.SOURCE_FROM_WEBVIEW("from_webview") | String | IAPConnectDecodeScene.IAPConnectDecodeFromWebview(1001) | NSInteger | Indicates that the decode API is called in a webview of the MPP app. |
ACConstants.Scene.SOURCE_FROM_SCAN("from_scan") | String | IAPConnectDecodeScene.IAPConnectDecodeFromScan(1002) | NSInteger | Indicates that the decode API is called on the code-scanning page of the MPP app. |
ACConstants.Scene.SOURCE_FROM_OTHER_APP("from_other_app") | String | IAPConnectDecodeScene.IAPConnectDecodeFromOtherApp(1003) | NSInteger | Indicates that the decode API is called by a deep link from other apps. |
public interface AcCallback<T extends AcResult>
Return type | Method | Description |
void | onResult(T t) | The interface that is used to return a specified result. |
public class AcBaseResult
Item | Type | Description | Required |
success | boolean | Specifies whether the operation is successful. | M |
errorCode | String | The error code that is required if an error occurs. | O |
errorMessage | String | The error message that is required if an error occurs. | O |
Item | Description | Required |
acquirerId | The unique ID that is assigned by Alipay+ to identify an Acquiring Partner. | M |
pspId | The unique ID that is assigned by Alipay+ to identify an MPP. | M |
authClientId | The unique ID that is assigned by the ACQP to identify the auth client. | M |
authClientName | The registered legal name of the auth client. Usually appears with the agreement on the authorization page. | M |
authClientLogo | The URL for the MPP to display the auth client logo. The URL domain is provided by the auth client. | O |
authRedirectUrl | The first part of the redirection URL that the user is redirected to after the user agrees to authorize. | M |
scopes | The authorization scopes, which means what resources or capabilities are authorized to the auth client. For Auth Debit payments, the value is fixed as | M |
terminalType | The type of the auth client terminal that initiates the authorization. Valid values:
| M |
referenceAgreementId | The unique ID that is assigned by the auth client to identify an authorization. | M |
authState | The authorization statement that is generated by the auth client. The value of this field must be appended to the value of authRedirectUrl to prevent Cross-site request forgery (CSRF) attacks. | M |
public class DecodeParameter / class IAPConnectDecodeModel
Item | Android Type | iOS Type | Description |
scene | @NonNull String | Enum | The scene in which the decode API is called. Valid values are:
See ACConstants.Scene for details. The default value is from_scan. |
codeValue | @NonNull String | NSString | The code value that needs to be decoded by Alipay+. |
acDecodeConfigFromServer/decodeConfig | @NonNull String | NSString | The configuration that is required for decoding. Note: The value of this parameter is received from the MPP server and generated by the Alipay+ server SDK in the code identification result. |
merchantType | @Nullable String | NSString | The terminal type of the merchant. Note:
sourceAppPackageName | @Nullable String | null | The package name of the merchant app. Note:
Error codes
Code | Value |
Generic | |
Auth | |
ExtendedInfo Use Cases
Service | Interface | Keys in ExtendedInfo |
PaymentService | pay |
OAuthService | getAuthCode |
public class ForeignExchangeQuote / class IAPForeignExchangeQuote
Item | Type | Length | Description | Required |
quoteId | String | 64 | The unique ID that is assigned by Alipay+ to identify a quote | M |
quoteCurrencyPair | String | 8 | The currency pair that the exchange rate applies to. The value is 2 currencies (in ISO-4217) separated by a slash. For example, | M |
quotePrice | String | 20 | The quotation of the exchange rate between the currency pair that is specified on the quoteCurrencyPair parameter. | M |
baseCurrency | String | 3 | The first currency in the value of quoteCurrencyPair, in ISO-4217. | O |
quoteUnit | String | 12 | The amount in the currency of the value of the baseCurrency parameter. | O |
quoteStartTime | long | / | The date and time when the quotePrice starts to be effective. The time is UTC time in millisecond. | O |
quoteExpiryTime | long | / | The date and time when the quotePrice expires. The time is UTC time, accurate to millisecond. | O |
public class InitConfig / class IAPConnectInitConfig
Item | Type | Description | Required |
envType | String | The environment of the MPP server. Valid values are:
Default value: | M |
sourcePlatform | String | This parameter indicates which app sends the request. | M |
tid | String | The terminal ID of the current device. If the parameter is empty, SDK generates a terminal ID internally. If the value is tid, SDK uses the value directly. The length of tid cannot exceed 256, or unknown errors might occur. | O |
userAgent | String | The user agent of the MPP device. Note: Required for Merchant-presented Mode Payment scenario. | O |
acLogDisabled | BOOL | This parameter specifies whether log writing for Alipay+ services is disabled. When the value is true, there will be no log writing for Alipay+ services. The default value is false. | O |
InitCallback (only for Android)
public class InitCallback
Return type | Android method | iOS block method | Description |
void | onSuccess | (void (^)(void))success | The callback to be invoked on initialization success. |
void | onFailure(InitErrorCode initErrorCode, String errorMessage); | (void (^)(IAPConnectInitErrorCode errorCode,NSString *errorMessage))failure | The callback to be invoked on initialization failure. For more information about the failure reasons, see initErrorCode. The errorMessage field describes the failure in detail. |
public enum InitErrorCode
Error code | Error message |
INITIALIZE_UNKNOWN_EXCEPTION | Unknown exceptions occurred during the initialization. See the errorMessage paramter for details. |
INITIALIZE_PARAM_ILLEGAL | Illegal parameters exist. For example, the application field or the initConfig parameter is null. |
public interface IDecodeCallback / decodeCallback:(void (^)(IAPConnectDecodeResult *result))decodeCallback
Return type | Android method | iOS block | Description |
void | onResult(Result result) | void (^)(IAPConnectDecodeResult *result) | The callback that is used to return the decoding result. |
void | showLoading() | Null | The callback that is used to show the loading dialog. |
void | dismissLoading() | Null | The callback that is used to dismiss the loading dialog. |
public interface IPaymentCodeListener / @protocol IAPConnectPaymentCodeListener <NSObject>
Return type | Method | Description |
void | onPaymentCodeUpdated(@NonNull String paymentCode) | The callback method to be invoked on payment code generation or update by the Alipay+ client SDK. |
void | onPaymentCodeUpdateFailed(@NonNull String errorCode, @NonNull String errorMessage) | The callback to be invoked on payment code generation or update failure. |
Item | Type | Description |
currency | String | The currency code of the amount. The value of this parameter must be an alphabetic code that follows the ISO 4217 standard, for example, "EUR" for Euros. |
value | Int | The value of the amount as a natural number. By default, the value of this parameter is in the smallest currency unit. For example, if the currency is USD and the amount is $1.00, set the value of this parameter to 100; or if the currency is JPY and the amount is ¥1, set the value of this parameter to 1. |
Type | Description |
orderId | The unique ID that is assigned by the merchant to identify an order. |
paymentId | The unique ID that is assigned by the MPP to identify a payment order. |
orderStr | The detailed order information. The value of this parameter is in a JSON string. |
cashierUrl | The payment URL to which the user is redirected to confirm the payment. |
Type | Description |
qrCode | QR code |
barCode | Barcode |
public interface InquireQuoteCallback / foreignExchangeQuote: void (^)(ForeignExchangeQuote *result)
Return type | Android method | iOS block | Description |
void | onResult(String resultCode, ForeignExchangeQuote foreignExchangeQuote) | void (^)(String resultCode, ForeignExchangeQuote *result) | The callback that is used to return the exchange rate inquiry result. |
Item | Description |
userId | The user ID in the Mobile Payment Partner system |
sessionId | Session ID |
loginId | Login ID |
| Login ID type. Valid values are:
avatar | HTTP URL of the image |
gender | Gender. Valid values are:
Deprecated | The birthday that are expressed in UTC |
userName | User name. Encrypting the value is allowed. |
extendedInfo | Extended information in the set of key-value pairs. The following keys might be used:
See ExtendedInfo Use Cases for details. |
Type | Description |
LOCAL_USER_ID_ONLY | Obtain the locally cached user ID but payloaded into MemberInfo |
LOCAL_CACHED | Obtain the locally cached MemberInfo |
REMOTE_FETCH | Obtain the latest remote MemberInfo |
Item | Description | Required |
appId | The ID of the app that calls the interface | O |
scopes | The user information scopes. For more information about the scopes, see Authorization scopes. | O |
Item | Description |
authCode | The authorization code that is generated by the MPP. |
authState | A string that is generated by the auth client to represent the request. The consistency of this field and that in the redirection URL needs to be guaranteed if the authorization code is returned. Note: This field is optional. |
authErrorScopes | The scopes that are failed to be granted. |
authSucessScopes | The scopes that are granted successfully. |
Item | Type | Description |
amount | The amount of payment. | |
type | The type of payment service. Each payment service represents a payment flow. Valid values are:
| |
paymentString | String | The payment string. The value of this parameter is set to the same value as the type parameter. |
extendedInfo | Map<String, String>/Dictionary | The extended information about the payment request. The value of this parameter is in a set of key-value pairs. If the value of the type parameter is |
Item | Description |
resultCode | The result code that indicates the payment result. For more information, see Error codes. |
resultMessage | The result message that describes the result code in detail. |
public class QuoteCurrency / class IAPConnectQuoteCurrency
Item | Type | Length | Description | Required |
sellCurrency | String | 3 | The currency that Alipay+ sells on behalf of the user. The value of this parameter is a 3-character ISO 4217 currency code. | M |
buyCurrency | String | 3 | The currency that Alipay+ buys on behalf of the user. The value of this parameter is a 3-character ISO 4217 currency code. | M |
public class Result / class IAPConnectDecodeResult
Item | Type | Description |
resultCode | String | The result code that indicates the decoding result. For more information, see ResultCode. |
resultMessage | String | The result message that describes the result code in detail. |
paymentRedirectUrl | String | The HTTPS URL of the payment result page to which the user is redirected after payment processing is completed. Note: Required if model(IAPConnectDecodeModel).scene is IAPConnectDecodeFromWebview. |
closeWebpage | boolean | Specifies whether the web page is closed. Note: This value of this parameter is set to |
public interface ResultCode / IAPConnectConstant
Name | ErrorMessage | Description |
SUCCESS | Success. | The operation is successful. |
PROCESSING | The payment is in processing. | The payment is in processing. |
PARAM_ILLEGAL | Oops! System busy. Try again later! | Invalid parameters exist. For example, a non-numeric input, or an invalid date. |
INVALID_NETWORK | Oops! System busy. Try again later! | A network error occurred. |
UNKNOWN_EXCEPTION | Oops! System busy. Try again later! | An unknown exception occurred. |
PROCESS_TERMINATED | Oops! System busy. Try again later! | The process is terminated. |
OTP_DUPLICATE_DECODE | Oops! System busy. Try again later! | Duplicate OTP decoding. |
SERVICE_EXCEED_LIMIT | Oops! System busy. Try again later! | The backend service exceeds the limit. |
PROCESS_FAIL | Oops! System busy. Try again later! | OAuth authorization failed. |
CLIENT_KEY_INVALID | Oops! System busy. Try again later! | The client key is invalid. |
INVALID_SIGNATURE | Oops! System busy. Try again later! | The verification of the agreement signature failed. |
INVALID_CODE | Oops! System busy. Try again later! | The code value is invalid. |
INVALID_AUTHCODE | Oops! System busy. Try again later! | The authorization code is invalid. |
INVAILD_REDIRECTURL | Oops! System busy. Try again later! | The redirect URL is invalid. |
SAL_FAIL_ICIF | Oops! System busy. Try again later! | Failed to call ICIF (International Customer Core Service System). |
EXPIRED_CODE | Oops! System busy. Try again later! | The payment code is expired. |
USER_NOT_EXIST | Oops! System busy. Try again later! | The user does not exist. |
USER_STATUS_ABNORMAL | Abnormal account activity detached. | The user status is abnormal. |
REPEAT_REQ_INCONSISTENT | Oops! System busy. Try again later! | Repeated requests are inconsistent. |
ORDER_NOT_EXIST | Oops! System busy. Try again later! | The order does not exist. |
SDK_NOT_SUPPORT | Your app version is low, please upgrade to the latest version. | Your app version is outdated. Upgrade to the latest version. |
EXPIRED_CODE | The payment code is expired, please refresh. | The payment code is expired. Refresh the code. |
PAY_FAILURE | [The error message is from Mobile Payment Partner] | The payment failed. Note: If the MPP calls the pay SPI and the payment fails, the MPP must send the |
Item | Type | Description |
type | Code type. Valid values are:
| |
hideAlbum | String | An indicator of whether the user scans a QR code/barcode in the picture selected from the album.
extendedInfo | String | This field is reserved for future use |
Item | Type | Description |
code | String | The code value extracted by the scanner. This field is empty if some errors occur during scanning. |
public class SignContractRequest / class IAPConnectSignContractRequest
Item | Type | Description | Required |
bizContent | String | The business content for the user authorization, which is generated by Alipay+. See bizContent for details. Note: Required if the authUrl parameter is empty. | O |
authUrl | String | The URL of the authorization page that is generated by the Mobile Payment Partner server and used by the Mobile Payment Partner app. Note: Required if the bizContent parameter is empty. | O |
needCallback | boolean | This paramter indicates whether the Alipay+ client SDK needs to send the obtained authorization code to the Alipay+ server. In details:
| M |