Alipay+ DocsAlipay+ Docs

How to consult payment method information

To render the payment method page or the add payment method page, you need to first obtain the Alipay+ payment method information, which includes the Alipay+ logo and the promotion information. Read this topic to learn about the methods to consult the payment method information from Alipay+.

About the Alipay+ logo

The Alipay+ logo varies based on the preset configuration of the aggregated logos:

  • If no aggregated logo is preconfigured, the Alipay+ logo refers to the default Alipay+ logo that displays only the Alipay+ brand.
  • If aggregated logos are preconfigured, the Alipay+ logo refers to the aggregated logos that display both the Alipay+ brand and other wallet brands.

Method list

The following list illustrates the three methods that you can select to consult the Alipay+ payment method information:

  • Method 1: Integrate the Alipay+ client SDK into your client side so you can consult the payment method information. For more information, see Integrate the Alipay+ SDK.
  • Method 2: Request JSON data from the Alipay+ CDN server via a properly constructed URL. The JSON data contains the Alipay+ payment method information, including not only the logo URL but also an explicit indicator of whether the Alipay+ payment method is available, the logo width and height, and the promotion campaign name. You need to parse the JSON data and display the payment method information accordingly. For more information, see Request JSON data from the Alipay+ CDN server.
  • Method 3: Request the logo from the Alipay+ CDN server via properly constructed URLs. For more information, see Request the logo from the Alipay+ CDN server.

How to select a method

Refer to the following diagram to quickly select a method that best suits your needs when consulting the Alipay+ payment method information:


Figure 1: Diagram of selecting the method for consulting payment method information

Select the payment method by answering the following questions:

Do you want to call from your server side or client side to obtain Alipay+ payment method information?

  • If you want to call from your server side, select method 2.
  • If you want to call from your client side, do you need the details about the Alipay+ logo and promotion?
    • If you do not need the details, select method 3.
    • If you need the details, do you want to integrate the Alipay+ SDK?
      • If yes, select method 1.
      • If no, select method 2.