Alipay+ DocsAlipay+ Docs

Merchant registration

In certain countries or regions, for legal or compliance reasons, the merchant information that is related to the payment must be registered before a payment can be processed. The merchant registration process only needs to be performed once.

The following figure illustrates the merchant registration flow:


Figure 1. Merchant registration flow

Processing logic

When processing merchant registration requests, Mobile Payment Provider must pay attention to the following items:

  • Batch operations are not supported. Each time, only one merchant or store can be registered.
  • For the Auto Debit scenario, at least the merchant information must be registered.
  • The response of the merchant registration request only indicates that the registration request is successfully accepted.
  • The Mobile Payment Provider returns the registration status to Alipay+ asynchronously (normally within 7 days), the Mobile Payment Provider can obtain the registration result by using inquiryRegistrationStatus interface.
  • Alipay+ will notify the Acquiring Service Provider of the merchant registration status via notifyRegistrationStatus interface if the Acquiring Service Provider integrates this interface.


Alipay+ sends merchant registration request to the Mobile Payment Provider.

    "registrationRequestId": "202009181105860200000600142****",
    "merchantInfo": {
        "referenceMerchantId": "218812000019****",
        "merchantDisplayName": "Example",
        "merchantMCC": "5735",
        "logo": {
            "logoUrl": "",
            "logoName": "Example Inc"
        "merchantAddress": {
            "region": "CN",
            "address1": "浙江省杭州市..."
        "registrationDetail": {
            "legalName": "",
            "contactInfo": [{
                "contactNo": "",
                "contactType": "EMAIL"
            }, {
                "contactNo": "9326*****56",
                "contactType": "MOBILE_PHONE"
            "registrationType": "ENTERPRISE_REGISTRATION_NO",
            "registrationNo": "RN1**",
            "registrationEffectiveDate": "2019-01-01T12:08:55+08:00",
            "registrationExpireDate": "2020-01-01T12:08:55+08:00",
            "registrationAddress": {
                "region": "CN",
                "address1": "浙江省杭州市"
            "websites": [{
                "url": "",
                "websiteType": "WEB"
            "businessType": "ENTERPRISE"
        "shareholderName": "Zhangsan",
        "shareholderId": "69833444422"
    "productCodes": ["AGREEMENT_PAYMENT"]

The Mobile Payment Provider returns result to Alipay+.

  "result": {
    "resultCode": "SUCCESS",
    "resultStatus": "S",
    "resultMessage": "Success"

More information

For more information about how to use the APIs (such as the field description), see registration.