Alipay+ DocsAlipay+ Docs

Accept a payment

To accept the payment after the user places an order, the Acquiring Partner (ACQP) needs to take the following steps:

Before you begin

Different Acquiring Partners (ACQPs) provide different service modes, for example:

  • Some ACQPs provide the payment capability to merchants by packaging the client side and the server side into an integrated service.
  • Some ACQPs only provide the server-side ability, while merchants are required to integrate the Alipay+ client side.

Therefore, for the convenience of developers to read this document, no matter which service mode is used, "your client side" and "your server side" are used uniformly to refer to the corresponding client side and server side in different service modes.


The following figure illustrates the workflow of accepting a payment in the Cashier Payment scenario.


Figure 1. Workflow of accepting a payment

Note: The payment method page mentioned in Figure 1 is also known as the merchant's cashier page.

The payment process consists of the following steps:

  1. After a user places an order on the merchant platform, your client side renders the payment method page in the following two steps: (Step 1-7)
    1. Your client side consults the information about the Alipay+ payment method.
    2. Your client side renders the payment method page with the information that is obtained in the previous step.
  1. After the user chooses the Alipay+ payment method to pay, your client side initiates a payment request and opens the Alipay+ checkout page, which displays all the MPPs that are supported by Alipay+ and the promotion information corresponding to each MPP.
    • If the terminal type of your client side is Web and the MPP that the user chooses supports code-scanning payment, the user can open the MPP app to scan the QR code for payment.
    • Otherwise, the user chooses one of the MPPs to pay.

After the user selects the MPP, the user is redirected to the MPP side. (Step 8-17)

  1. After the user completes the payment at the MPP side, Alipay+ notifies your server side of the payment result, which is then synced to your client side. At the same time, your server side can initiate an inquiryPayment request to obtain the payment result asynchronously. (Step 18-25)
  2. Your client side displays the payment result to the user. (Step 26)

Step 1: Render the payment method page

To render the payment method page with the Alipay+ logo and promotion information, you need to take the following steps:

1. Consult the information about the Alipay+ payment method

You need to consult the following information about the payment method from Alipay+:

  • Whether the Alipay+ payment method is available.
  • If available, the Alipay+ logo and promotion information (if any) are also returned.

Alipay+ provides three methods for you to consult the information about the Alipay+ payment method. The following table shows the details and an applicable scenario that is recommended for each method.



Recommended applicable scenario

Method 1:

Integrate the Alipay+ SDK

Alipay+ provides SDKs for your client side to directly consult the information about the Alipay+ payment method.

If the terminal type of your client side is app, your client side can integrate the mobile SDK; if the terminal type of your client side is Web or WAP, your client side can integrate the Web/WAP SDK.

If you provide a front-end component for the merchant to render the payment method page, you can choose this method to integrate the Alipay+ SDK into the front-end component. In this way, the front-end component can consult the information about the Alipay+ payment method by calling the Alipay+ SDK.

Method 2:

Request JSON data from the Alipay+ CDN server

You can request information about the Alipay+ payment method by requesting JSON data from the Alipay+ CDN server via a URL that is constructed according to rules specified in Request JSON data from the Alipay+ CDN server. You need to parse the JSON data and display the Alipay+ payment method accordingly.

This method is applicable if you want to consult payment method information with your server side, or if you need complete information about the Alipay+ payment method, which includes not only logo assets but also an explicit indicator of whether the Alipay+ payment method is available, logo width and logo height, and promotion campaign name.

Method 3:

Request logo assets from the Alipay+ CDN server

You can directly request logo assets of the Alipay+ payment method from the Alipay+ CDN server via URLs that are constructed according to rules specified in Request logo assets from the Alipay+ CDN server.

You need to display the Alipay+ payment method correctly with the logo assets.

This method is applicable if you cannot integrate the Alipay+ SDK or parse JSON data, given that your client side can request logo assets from the Alipay+ CDN server and display the Alipay+ payment method correctly.

For more information about how to implement these three methods, see How to consult the payment information.

2. Render the payment method page with the information

With the information that is returned in Step1.1, your client side needs to follow the Alipay+ brand guideline to render the payment method page. For more information, see Brand Display Guidelines for Cashier Payment in Alipay+ Brand Guidelines.

Step 2: Initiate a payment

To obtain the information about the Alipay+ checkout page and create an order in Alipay+, the ACQP needs to take the following steps:

1. Integrate the pay API

The ACQP needs to integrate the pay API provided by Alipay+. Refer to the following section to learn about how to configure the key request parameters and handle the response parameters.

Processing logic

  • The following parameters must be configured properly in the request:
    • paymentExpiryTime: specifies the order timeout time. The following table lists the detailed information about this parameter:


Alipay+ timeout time

Final timeout time

null/10min after the order is placed

10min after the order is placed

10min after the order is placed

more than 10min after the order is placed

10min after the order is placed

10min after the order is placed

less than 10min after the order is placed

10min after the order is placed


    • order.env.terminalType and request.order.env.osType: specify the type of your client side's terminal and operating system where the user initiates the request. The following table lists the detailed information about these two parameters:



WEB: PC website


WAP: mobile website


APP: mobile application


Note: These two parameters do not specify the type of the terminal or the operating system of the wallet that the merchant wants to trigger.

    • paymentRedirectUrl: specifies the address of your client side where the user is redirected after the payment is completed. The following table lists the detailed information about this parameter:



WEB: PC website

An HTTPS address of a PC website instead of an HTTP address

WAP: mobile website

An HTTPS address of a mobile website page (WAP page) instead of an HTTP address

APP: mobile application

An URL scheme or WAP page address that can redirect the user to the merchant app. The scheme can be used for directions to different client sides.

Note: In certain cases, the user may not be automatically redirected back to your client side after the payment. Therefore, your client side needs to call your server side to query the payment result.

    • paymentNotifyUrl: specifies the address of your server side where the payment result is returned after the payment is completed. For security reasons, the address must be an HTTPS address instead of an HTTP address.
    • paymentMethod.paymentMethodType: specifies the payment method as CONNECT_WALLET.
  • You might receive different results from Alipay+, follow the instructions below to handle the result:



Payment status




Payment fails.

Take actions according to the result code (specified by the result.resultCode parameter). For more information, see the Result code section.



Payment is in process.

Redirect the user to the Alipay+ checkout page to confirm the payment.


Values other than



Retry the same request. Ensure that the value specified in the paymentRequestId parameter is the same as the one specified in the previous request.

No result received


Retry the same request. Ensure that the value specified in the paymentRequestId parameter is the same as the one specified in the previous request.

Note: If the user has completed the payment successfully and you invoke the pay API again with the same parameters, the resultStatus parameter is returned as S.


The ACQP sends a request to Alipay+.

  "userRegion": "PH",
  "paymentExpiryTime": "2019-06-01T12:01:01+08:30",
  "paymentNotifyUrl": "",
  "paymentRequestId": "pay_1089760038715669_102775745075669",
  "paymentFactor": {
    "isInStorePayment": "false",
    "isCashierPayment": "true"
  "order": {
    "referenceOrderId": "102775745075669",
    "orderDescription": "Mi Band 3 Wrist Strap Metal Screwless Stainless Steel For Xiaomi Mi Band 3 ",
    "orderAmount": {
      "currency": "JPY",
      "value": "100"
    "merchant": {
      "referenceMerchantId": "M0000000001",
      "merchantName": "cup Hu",
      "merchantMCC": "1234",
      "merchantAddress": {
        "region": "JP",
        "city": "xxx"
  "settlementStrategy": {
    "settlementCurrency": "USD"
  "paymentAmount": {
    "currency": "JPY",
    "value": "100"
  "paymentMethod": {
    "paymentMethodType": "CONNECT_WALLET"

Alipay+ returns a response to the ACQP.

  "acquirerId": "202122810000****",
  "result": {
    "resultCode": "PAYMENT_IN_PROCESS",
    "resultStatus": "U",
    "resultMessage": "The payment in process."
  "paymentId": "2019060811401080010018882020035****",
  "paymentAmount": {
    "value": "100",
    "currency": "JPY"
  "normalUrl": "",
  "paymentData": "{\"displayPaymentAmount\":\"100.00\",\"displayPaymentCurrency\":\"USD\",\"wallets\":[{\"enabled\":true,\"promoNames\":[\"{\\\"en_US\\\":\\\"30% off\\\",\\\"th_TH\\\":\\\"คูปองส่วนลด 30 บาท\\\"}\"],\"searchKeywords\":[\"dana wallet\"],\"walletName\":\"DANA\"}]}"

More information

For more information about how to use the APIs (such as the field description), see pay.

2. Open the Alipay+ checkout page

After your server side handles the pay API response successfully, your client side needs to further open the Alipay+ checkout page, where the user can choose an Alipay+ supported MPP to pay.

The following two solutions are provided for your client side to open the Alipay+ checkout page:

SDK integration solution for App

If the merchant platform is an app, it is recommended that your client side integrates the SDK provided by the ACQP to smoothly open the Alipay+ checkout page, thus facilitating the user payment.

For more information about how to use an SDK to open the Alipay+ checkout page, see How to open Alipay+ checkout page with SDK.

Non-SDK integration solution

If the merchant does not have an app or does not want to integrate an SDK, your client side can also open the Alipay+ checkout page by using the payment URL that is returned by your server side.

The payment URL is specified in the normalUrl parameter that is returned in Step 2.1. Depending on the terminal type and the operating system of your client side, the way of opening the payment URL is different.

Refer to the following samples for details.

For Android apps:

try {
    Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Uri.parse(normalUrl));
} catch (Exception e) {

For iOS apps:

if ([[[UIDevice currentDevice] systemVersion] floatValue] >= 10.0) {
    [[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:url options:@{} completionHandler:nil];
    [[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:url];

For Web or WAP:

window.location.href = normalUrl;

3. Handle the redirection from the MPP

To help the user see the payment result even if the redirection from the MPP client to your client fails, it is recommended that you add a confirmation dialogue on your merchant page after the user is redirected to the MPP client.

Note: If the MPP client opens the redirect URL successfully, dismiss the confirmation dialogue.

The logic of adding the confirm dialogue depends on whether the Alipay+ SDK is integrated with your client:

  • Alipay+ SDK is integrated: Put logic in the callback function of the showPaymentSheet API to add the confirmation dialogue after the user is directed to the MPP client.
  • Alipay+ SDK is not integrated: Add the confirmation dialogue after the Alipay+ checkout page is opened.

The following figure shows an example of the confirmation dialog.


Figure 2. Example of a confirmation dialog

After the user clicks the button according to the actual payment result on the MPP side, the user is redirected to the merchant payment result page after the latest payment result is returned to your server side. The latest payment result is updated by the notifyPayment or inquiryPayment API. For more information about how to use the notifyPayment or inquiryPayment API, see Step 3.

The suggestion mentioned above applies to the Web, app, and WAP terminals. Besides, for a website experience, it is also recommended that you open a new tab for the user when the user is redirected to the MPP page from the merchant page. Thus, the user can easily switch between tabs if the MPP page fails to be opened; otherwise, the user has to try to use the back button of the page to return to the merchant page, which usually fails.

Step 3: Handle the payment result

To ensure that your server side gets the payment result after the payment is processed, Alipay+ provides the following two APIs for the ACQP:

  • notifyPayment: This API is used by Alipay+ to notify the ACQP of payment results. Once the payment is processed, Alipay+ will send the payment result in a short, certain time period, for example, 10 seconds. For more information about how to receive notifications from Alipay+, see Receive payment notification.
  • inquiryPayment: This API is used by ACQPs to inquire about payment results. When the notifyPayment API fails to access ACQPs due to any network issues, this API can help ensure that ACQPs can get the final payment result. For more information about how to receive notifications from Alipay+, see Inquire about payment result.

In the Cashier Payment scenario, the notifyPayment and inquiryPayment APIs are both required to be integrated, thus working together to ensure ACQPs obtain the final payment result. Refer to the following section to learn about how to handle the payment statuses that are obtained via these two APIs, as well as ensure the accuracy of the final payment result.

Collaboration between inquiryPayment and notifyPayment

The following figure illustrates how the inquiryPayment and notifyPayment APIs collaborate to ensure you get the accurate payment result:


Figure 3. Collaboration between inquiryPayment and notifyPayment

It is recommended that the ACQP takes the following steps to ensure efficient collaboration between these two APIs:

  1. Create at least a table that includes the order number and order status in your local database.
  2. Set the initial order status to INIT.
  3. Depending on via which API the payment result is obtained, different actions are taken:
    • If you receive the payment result (which is specified in the paymentResult parameter) from Alipay+ via the notifyPayment API, check if the order status is INIT. If so, update the order status in your database; otherwise, you don't need to update the order status.
    • If you obtain the payment result (which is specified in the paymentResult parameter) by calling the inquiryPayment API, depending on the value of the paymentResult.resultValue parameter, different actions are taken:
      • If the value is S or F, update the order status in your database.
      • If the value is U, retry to call the inquiryPayment API until the value becomes S or F. Then update the order status in your database.