Alipay+ DocsAlipay+ Docs

Download reports

Alipay+ uploads reports to a specific directory in the SFTP server for Acquiring Service Provider s (ACQPs) to download. All reports are encoded in UTF-8 and saved in the directory as below:

  • Clearing reports: /v1/settlements/clearing/<participantId>/<date>
  • Settlement report: /v1/settlements/settlement/<participantId>/<date>


  • participantId is the unique ID that Alipay+ assigns to the ACQP. The field identifies the receiver of the file.
  • date is the date when the report is generated.

Files older than 7 days on the SFTP server might be removed. It is suggested to download the files within 3 days. If the file you need is deleted, contact for help.

For the sandbox environment, Alipay+ provides test facilities to help you adjust its settlement/clearance systems. For production environment, you can contact for the SFTP server access details before your integration enters the production environment verification stage.