No. | Field | Description |
1 | region | MANDATORY String (2) The region where the address is located. The value of this parameter must be a 2-character country/region code that follows the ISO 3166 standard. |
2 | state | OPTIONAL String (8) The state, country, or province where the address is located. |
3 | city | OPTIONAL String (32) The city, district, suburb, town, or village where the address is located. |
4 | address1 | OPTIONAL String (256) The address line 1, which contains the street name, PO box, or company name. Specify this parameter if you have the information. This provides a better user experience. |
5 | address2 | OPTIONAL String (256) The address line 2, which contains the apartment, suite, unit, or building name. |
6 | zipCode | OPTIONAL String (32) The zip or postal code. |
No. | Field | Description |
1 | currency | MANDATORY String (3) The currency code of the amount. The value of this parameter must be an alphabetic code that follows the ISO 4217 standard, for example, "EUR" for Euros. |
2 | value | MANDATORY Integer (1 - unlimited) The value of the amount as a natural number. By default, the value of this parameter is in the smallest currency unit as listed in the Current Currency & Funds list. In the list, the Minor unit column defines the number of decimals, which determines the smallest unit of a currency. For example, if the currency is USD and the amount is $1.00 (2 decimals), set the value of this parameter to 100; or if the currency is JPY and the amount is ¥1 (0 decimal), set the value of this parameter to 1. |
No. | Field | Description |
1 | terminalType | OPTIONAL String The type of terminal that is used to initiate the payment. Valid values are:
2 | osType | OPTIONAL String The mobile operating system type. Valid values are:
3 | deviceTokenId | OPTIONAL String (64) The token ID of the client device. |
4 | clientIp | OPTIONAL String (32) The IP address of the client device. |
5 | cookieId | OPTIONAL String (64) The cookie ID of the user. |
6 | userAgent | OPTIONAL String (1024) The user-agent information. |
7 | storeTerminalId | OPTIONAL String (64) The ID of the terminal device that is used in the store to process the payment. |
8 | storeTerminalRequestTime | OPTIONAL Datetime The time when the request is sent by the terminal device that is used in the store. More information:
No. | Field | Description |
1 | referenceMerchantId | MANDATORY String (32) The unique ID that is assigned by the ACQP to identify a merchant. |
2 | merchantMCC | MANDATORY String (4) The merchant category code (MCC) that represents the categorization of the merchant's business type. See Alipay+ MCC Standards for details. |
3 | merchantName | MANDATORY String (256) The legal name of the merchant. |
4 | merchantAddress | MANDATORY Address The region where the payment transaction occurs. |
5 | merchantDisplayName | OPTIONAL String (64) The display name of the merchant. |
6 | merchantRegisterDate | OPTIONAL Datetime The time when the merchant registered its business at the local regulatory agency. More information:
7 | store | MANDATORY Store The information about the store of the merchant. |
No. | Field | Description |
1 | quoteId | Required String (64) The unique ID that is assigned by Alipay+ to identify an exchange rate. |
2 | quoteCurrencyPair | Required String (8) A currency pair, of which the first listed currency (also called base currency) is quoted against the second currency (also called quote currency). The value of this parameter is in the format of |
3 | quotePrice | Required Decimal (32) The quotation of the exchange rate between the currency pair that is specified on the quoteCurrencyPair parameter. Note: The value is not always greater than or equal to 1 and has a decimal accuracy of 15 places. |
4 | quoteStartTime | Optional Datetime The time when the quotation (specified on the quotePrice parameter) takes effect. |
5 | quoteExpiryTime | Optional Datetime The time when the quotation (specified on the quotePrice parameter) expires. |
6 | baseCurrency | Optional String (3) The first currency in the currency pair that is specified on the quoteCurrencyPair parameter. The value is an alphabetic code that follows the ISO 4217 standard. |
7 | quoteUnit | Optional String (12) The amount in the base currency that is specified on the baseCurrency parameter. |
No. | Field | Description |
1 | resultCode | MANDATORY String (64) The result code that indicates the detailed processing result. |
2 | resultStatus | MANDATORY String The result status that indicates the processing result. Valid values are:
3 | resultMessage | OPTIONAL String (256) The result message that describes the result code in detail. |
No. | Field | Description |
1 | referenceStoreId | MANDATORY String (32) The unique ID that is assigned by the merchant to identify a store. |
2 | storeName | MANDATORY String (256) The legal name of the store. |
3 | storeMCC | MANDATORY String (4) The merchant category code (MCC) that represents the categorization of the store's business type. See Alipay+ MCC Standards for details. |
4 | storeDisplayName | OPTIONAL String (64) The display name of the store. |
5 | storeTerminalId | OPTIONAL String (64) The unique ID that is assigned by the merchant to identify a store terminal. |
6 | storeAddress | MANDATORY Address The address where the store is located. |