notifyRegistrationStatusMPP → Alipay+
The notifyRegistrationStatus API is used by Mobile Payment Providers (MPPs) to notify Alipay+ of the merchant registration result. MPPs need to integrate this API only if they adopt the Approval Mode and cannot return the registration result synchronously via the registration API. For more information about what the Approval Mode is, see Merchant registration.
Note: In the following sections, MPP is also known as Payment Service Partner (PSP). For example, pspId refers to the unique ID that identifies an MPP.
Request parameters
referenceMerchantId String REQUIRED
The unique ID that is assigned by Alipay+ to identify a merchant.
More information:
- Maximum length: 32 characters
registrationResult RegistrationResult REQUIRED
The registration result from the MPP.
registrationRequestId String REQUIRED
The unique ID that is assigned by Alipay+ to identify a registration request.
More information:
- Maximum length: 64 characters
Response parameters
result Result REQUIRED
The result of the business processing, including the result status, result code, and the result message.
More information
How to handle the result
You might receive different results from Alipay+. Follow the instructions below to handle the result.
result.resultStatus | result.resultCode | Notification status | Actions |
| Notification succeeds. | N/A |
| Multiple possible values exist, such as
| Notification fails. | Take actions according to the result code (specified on the result.resultCode parameter). For more information, see the Result codes section below. |
| Multiple possible values exist, such as
| Unknown | Use the same parameters to retry the notifyRegistrationStatus request. If you keep receiving the same result indicating the unknown status, contact |
No result received | Unknown | Use the same parameters to retry the notifyRegistrationStatus request. If you keep receiving no result, contact |
Result/Error codes
Code | Value | Message |
SUCCESS | S | Success |
ABNORMAL_REGISTRATION_STATUS | F | The registration status is abnormal. |
ACCESS_DENIED | F | Access is denied. |
INVALID_CLIENT | F | The client is invalid. |
INVALID_SIGNATURE | F | The signature is invalid. |
KEY_NOT_FOUND | F | The key is not found. |
MEDIA_TYPE_NOT_ACCEPTABLE | F | The server does not implement the media type that is acceptable to the client. |
METHOD_NOT_SUPPORTED | F | The server does not implement the requested HTTPS method. |
NO_INTERFACE_DEF | F | API is not defined. |
PARAM_ILLEGAL | F | Illegal parameters. For example, non-numeric input, invalid date. |
PROCESS_FAIL | F | A general business failure occurred. Do not retry. |
REQUEST_TRAFFIC_EXCEED_LIMIT | F | The request traffic exceeds the limit. |
UNKNOWN_EXCEPTION | U | An API call failed, which is caused by unknown reasons. |