Modify coupons
Alipay+ GM Portal supports various straightforward functions to manage your coupons, whether you need to edit, activate, terminate, continue improving, or create a copy.
Accessing Coupon Modifications:
- Navigate to Promotion Management > Coupon List and click Details to access the coupon details page.
- In the upper right corner of the coupon details page, you can find the following functions, depending on the coupon status:
- Edit: Make changes and updates to a coupon in Draft status.
- Activate: Change a coupon from Draft to Online status, making it available to customers.
- Terminate: Take an Online coupon offline.
- Continue to Improve: Enhance a coupon in Failed status. Update and improve the coupon details according to the prompts.
- Copy: Create a new coupon by duplicating an existing one. If you copy the existing code coupon, you need to edit and upload new codes.