Product introduction
Auto Debit occurs when a user purchases merchandise on a merchant platform and the merchant deducts funds from the user account by using an access token. To use this payment product, the merchant must obtain the user authorization (the access token) in advance.
Auto Debit offers the following features to consumers and merchants:
- Authorization for wallets: Consumers can authorize the merchant to deduct funds from the consumer's Alipay+ wallet by binding the wallet account to the merchant platform.
- Revocation of the authorization: Consumers can also unbind the wallet account to revoke the authorization.
- Authorization/revocation result notification: When the wallet confirms that the binding/unbinding is successful, Alipay+ actively pushes the binding/unbinding result to theACQP, who can then relay the result to the merchant accordingly.
- Automatic debit: Once authorized, the merchant is granted an access token, with which the merchant can safely initiate payments and deduct funds from the consumer's wallet, without bothering the consumer. The payment can be recurring or one-time-only:
- Recurring payment: The merchant can automatically deduct funds from the consumer's bound wallet account on a predefined schedule.
- One-time only payment: Every time the consumer wants to pay a transaction using a bound wallet account, the merchant can deduct the due amount automatically from that wallet.
- Refund & cancelation: Consumers can refund or cancel a payment with theAlipay+ wallet.
- Merchant registration: The ACQP can register merchant information or update an existing registration timely.
- Intelligent sorting: Based on the consumer's preference and most popular wallets, the payment sheet lists the wallets smartly for the consumer to quickly select from to improve the payment success rate.
- Easy redirection: Alipay+ provides the redirection URL that suits the situation, with which the merchant redirects the consumer to the wallet to complete the authorization.
- One-stop settlement: Alipay+ provides a unified funds clearing and settlement service for ACQPs. Instead of mutual settlement, ACQPs only need to settle with Alipay+, which greatly simplifies the funds processing and improves the settlement efficiency.
- Customized configuration: Alipay+ supports customized configuration for the display of Alipay+ aggregated logos on the merchant cashier page. The Alipay+ aggregated logo contains the Alipay+ logo and wallet logos that are suppoted by Alipay+.
User experience
This section describes the user experience for the account binding and the payment.
Accounting binding
This section describes the user experience for the account binding. The user can start the process from the merchant app, WAP page, or website. No matter the case, the merchant name, and user authorization details must be displayed on the authorization page.
Starting from the merchant mobile app & WAP page
The following figure illustrates the process when the user selects a wallet to authorize for Auto Debit on the payment method management page in the merchant app/WAP page:
Figure 1. Account binding process starting from the payment method management page of the merchant app/WAP page
The following figure illustrates the process when the user selects a wallet to authorize for Auto Debit on the cashier page in the merchant app/WAP page:
Figure 2. Account binding process starting from the cashier page of the merchant app/WAP page
In the merchant app/WAP page, the consumer performs the following steps to complete the authorization:
- The consumer selects Alipay+ on the merchant's payment method management page or the cashier page.
- The merchant redirects the consumer to an Alipay+ page to select an Alipay+ wallet to bind.
- Alipay+ redirects the consumer to the wallet side. The consumer then signs the authorization agreement and binds the wallet account as the payment method to be used for transactions on the merchant platform.
- The wallet presents the authorization result page to the consumer.
- The consumer is redirected back to the merchant page,
- If the authorization starts from the merchant cashier page, the payment result is displayed.
- If the authorization starts from the merchant's payment method management page, the bound wallet account is displayed.
Starting from the merchant website
When the user selects a wallet to authorize for Auto Debit on the merchant website, the consumer can complete the accounting binding by either scanning the authorization QR code to authorize or by logging in to the wallet authorization page to authorize.
If the consumer's wallet app supports code scanning, the consumer can use the wallet app to scan the authorization QR code on the merchant page to complete the account binding.
The following figure illustrates the account binding process starting from the payment method management page on the merchant website:
Figure 3. Account binding process by scan-to-authorize starting from the payment method management page of the merchant website
The following figure illustrates the account binding process starting from the cashier page on the merchant website:
Figure 4. Account binding process by scan-to-authorize starting from the cashier page of the merchant website
As illustrated in Figures 3 and 4, on the merchant website, the consumer performs the following steps to complete the account binding with scan-to-authorize:
- The consumer selects Alipay+ on the merchant's payment method management page or the cashier page.
- The merchant redirects the consumer to an Alipay+ page to select a digital wallet to bind.
- Alipay+ redirects the consumer to the authorization page. Where a QR code is displayed.
- The consumer uses the wallet app to scan the QR code to sign the agreement and complete the authorization.
- The wallet app presents the authorization result page to the consumer.
- On the website, the consumer is redirected back to the merchant page,
- If the authorization starts from the merchant cashier page, the payment result is displayed.
- If the authorization starts from the merchant's payment method management page, the bound wallet account is displayed.
If the consumer's wallet app does not support code scanning, during the authorization process, the consumer can log in to the wallet authorization page to complete the account binding. The following figure illustrates the process:
Figure 5. Account binding process by login-to-authorize
As illustrated in Figure 5, on the merchant website, the consumer performs the following steps to complete the account binding with login-to-authorize:
- The consumer selects Alipay+ on the merchant's payment method management page or the cashier page.
- The merchant redirects the consumer to the Alipay+ page to select a digital wallet to bind.
- Alipay+ redirects the consumer to the wallet side. The consumer then logs in to the wallet page.
- The wallet redirects the consumer to the authorization page, where the consumer signs the authorization agreement and binds the wallet account as the payment method to be used for transactions on the merchant platform.
- The consumer is redirected back to the merchant page,
- If the authorization starts from the merchant cashier page, the payment result is displayed.
- If the authorization starts from the merchant's payment method management page, the bound wallet account is displayed.
Note: If the terminal type of the wallet is Web, the user can only be redirected back to the merchant's Web page.
Payment with an authorized wallet
After binding an Alipay+ wallet, the consumer can pay for Auto Debit transactions with the bound account at the merchant side. The following figures illustrate payment process on the mobile side and on the web side:
Figure 6. Payment with an authorized wallet on the mobile side
Figure 7. Payment with an authorized wallet on the website
As illustrated in Figure 6 and Figure 7, if the consumer has authorized the merchant before, the consumer can use the bound wallet account to complete an Auto Debit payment by completing the following steps:
- The consumer selects the wallet as the payment method on the merchant cashier page.
- The consumer clicks the pay button to pay.
- The merchant displays the payment result page to the consumer.
Note: For recurring payments, this process is not experienced as the payment is automatically done.
Brand display guideline
For more information about how to design the pages and display the brands of Alipay+ and the supported wallets, see Brand display guidelines for Auto Debit.