The Mobile Payment Provider (MPP) app calls the signContract API to start the user authorization process for Auto Debit payments.
Method signature
@interface MPPAlipayPlusClient (AutoDebit)
- (void)signContract:(MPPSignContractParams *)params
completionHandler:(void(^)(MPPSignContractResult * _Nullable result, NSError *_Nullable error))completionHandler
Request parameters
Item | Type | Description | Required |
params | Parameters that are required to initiate a contract. | M | |
completionHandler | iOS Block | The callback to be invoked after the signing process ends. See completionHandler for details. | M |
Item | Type | Description | Required |
result | The result information that is required if the signing is successful. | O | |
error | NSError | The error that is required if the signing fails. | O |
Response parameters
#import <MPPAlipayPlusClientAutoDebit/MPPAlipayPlusClientAutoDebit.h>
MPPSignContractParams *params = [MPPSignContractParams new];
params.authUrl = @"xxx";
params.needCallback = true; // needCallback is always a query value in authUrl, such as “xxx?needCallback=true”
[[MPPAlipayPlusClient shared] signContract:params
completionHandler:^(MPPSignContractResult * _Nullable result, NSError *_Nullable error) {
if (!error) {
// your Logic