Alipay+ DocsAlipay+ Docs

Log in

Account setup

To log in, get an account first. Contact the Acquiring Service Provider and provide an email address for getting an Alipay+ Developer Center account.

Note: Contact if you have problems with login.

Login and logout

  1. Go to Alipay+ Developer Center. Enter your login details on the login page.


  1. A successful login leads you to the home page of Alipay+ Developer Center. On the home page, you can learn about the main tasks to build an integration, and can also click View All on the Documentation block to view Alipay+ documents.


Moreover, your role information is displayed on this page. Hover over the icon to the right of each role to view its related permissions. For more information about roles and permissions, see Roles and permissions.


  1. To log out, hover over the avatar icon in the top-right corner of the page and click Log Out. To protect the security of your account, make sure to log out when you finish using Alipay+ Developer Center.


Roles and permissions

Alipay+ Developer Center provides the following predefined roles for TSPs:

  • Developer Admin: a role to develop, test, invite ACQP for authorization, and launch applications, as well as invite and manage merchants
  • Developer: a role to develop and test applications
  • Merchant Onboarding: a role to invite and manage merchants, as well as track their progress in acceptance testing

Each role has various permissions to perform the tasks shown in the table below.


Developer Admin


Merchant Onboarding

Create applications

Modify applications

Launch applications

Delete applications

View application information

Add products

Remove products

Develop in the sandbox

Test in the sandbox

Configure the production environment

Invite ACQP for authorization

Invite merchants

Password reset

If you forget your Alipay+ Developer Center login password, you can still log in by resetting your password.

  1. On the login page, click Forgot password?.


  1. Enter your login email and click Confirm.


  1. Check your mailbox for a 6-digit verification code that is sent by Alipay+. Enter the code and click Confirm.


  1. Enter your new password. Note that the new password cannot be the same as the current one and must meet the requirements shown on the right.


  1. Enter your new password again for confirmation.


  1. Click Confirm to change your password.
  2. Use your new password to log in.