Integration overview
This topic introduces the functions that Alipay+ Merchant-presented Mode Payment provides and guides you through how to use the APIs and SDKs to build an integration for these functions.
Before you begin
Before you learn more about how to integrate with Alipay+ Merchant-presented Mode Payment, ensure that you are familiar with the following things:
- The user experience that Alipay+ Merchant-presented Mode Payment can provide to customers.
- General steps you need to take to go through the whole integration process.
Build an integration
Use the APIs and SDKs that are provided by Alipay+ to integrate the following Merchant-presented Mode Payment functions as required:
Notify users of Alipay+ availability
When a user travels abroad, the Mobile Payment Provider (MPP) can proactively notify the user of Alipay+ availability if you (the MPP) detect that the user is abroad and Alipay+ is available in the user region. For more information, see Notify users of Alipay+ availability.
Make a payment
To make payments to merchants, you need to take the following steps:
- Filter and identify the code to determine whether the code can be processed by Alipay+.
- Decode and send the code value to Alipay+ by calling the userInitiatedPay API. Alipay+ then returns the payment details to the MPP.
- Render and present the cashier page to the user, where the payment details that are received in the previous step are displayed.
- If the paymentRedirectUrl parameter is passed by Alipay+, redirect the user back to the merchant payment result page.
For more information about how to integrate related APIs or SDKs to make a payment, see Make a payment.
Return payment results
To return payment results to Alipay+, you need to integrate the inquirePayment and notifyPayment APIs. For more information about how to integrate the APIs, see Notify payment result and Respond to payment inquiry.
Cancel and refund
To support the users in refunding and canceling payments, you need to integrate the refund and cancelPayment APIs. For more information about how to integrate the APIs, see Cancel a payment and Refund.
More operations
Apart from the payment-oriented functions that are mentioned above, Alipay+ provides more services and APIs for you to manage your business.
Alipay+ provides multiple types of transaction reports to help MPPs to perform the clearing and settlement of transactions. MPPs can download and use reports to streamline their business workflows. For more information, see Reconcile.
More information
Go through the section below to obtain more information that empowers your integration:
- When using APIs to integrate, you need to take the following things into consideration:
- Make a POST request to the corresponding address with the identity information, signature, and business parameters in the HTTP request. For more information about the structure of a request and response, see API overview.
- To ensure message transmission security, the MPP must sign the request and validate the signature properly. When calling an Alipay+ API, the MPP must sign the API request and validate the response signature accordingly; when receiving an API call from Alipay+, the MPP must validate the request signature and sign the API response accordingly.
- For the full list of APIs that are provided for Merchant-presented Mode Payment, see APIs and SDKs.