Get started with Alipay+ integration
This topic provides general steps to walk you through the whole integration process. Read this topic to get started with Alipay+ integration.
The integration process consists of the following phases (see Figure 1):
- Phase 1: In this phase, you can integrate with Alipay+ payment products within 4 steps. See Step 1 ~ Step 4.
- Phase 2: In this phase, you can invite merchants for integration testing with an application provided by Alipay+. This phase is optional but recommended. See Step 5.
Figure 1. The whole integration process
To get prepared for implementing the integration, perform the following actions.
1. Sign the NDA
Mark the card Unmark the cardBefore you take action on integration, contact the Alipay+ Business Development (BD) to get and sign the NDA (Non-Disclosure Agreement) so that you can acquire more Alipay+ support and resources.
2. Set up an account
Mark the card Unmark the cardContact the Alipay+ Solution Architect (SA) and provide an email address. the Alipay+ SA uses the email address to help you set up an account to log in to the Alipay+ Docs center and Alipay+ Developer Center.
3. Get the integration guides
Mark the card Unmark the cardOnce your account is set up, you can log in to the Alipay+ Docs Center and read the integration guides to familiarize yourself with the Alipay+ products and their integration workflows.
4. Plan for your integration
Mark the card Unmark the cardAfter reading the integration guides, work with the Alipay+ SA to make an integration plan. The Alipay+ SA helps you figure out the integration scope, for example, which capabilities are required to be integrated and which are optional.
Develop and integrate
5 stepsNow start developing and building your integration with the Alipay+ APIs and SDKs. You can utilize the Alipay+ Developer Center to facilitate your development and integration.
Take the following steps to perform the self-integration process.
For additional guidance, check out our video tutorial under Videos: Get started with Alipay+ integration.
1. Log in to Alipay+ Developer Center
Mark the card Unmark the carda. Log in.
b. Become a developer (first-time users only).
2. Create an application
Mark the card Unmark the cardCreate an application and specify the product to be integrated based on your business requirements.
a. Fill in the application information.
b. Select integration products.
c. Check the application information.
3. Develop in the sandbox
Mark the card Unmark the cardSimulate and test open APIs in the sandbox, so that the application can go live more efficiently and smoothly.
a. Acquire sandbox resources.
b. Configure the sandbox.
c. Develop and test in the sandbox.
4. Conduct sandbox acceptance testing
Mark the card Unmark the cardBefore launching your application into production, you need to pass all required test cases in the sandbox.
a. Check the sandbox configurations.
b. Perform testing with test cases provided by Alipay+.
5. Launch into production
Mark the card Unmark the cardLaunch your application into production.
a. Configure the production environment.
b. Launch the application in Alipay+ Developer Center.
Conduct production acceptance testing
After you launch the application, the Alipay+ SA checks whether all the required preconditions are met and contacts you for production acceptance testing.
To ensure your production acceptance testing runs smoothly, refer to UAT checklist to learn about the tasks that need to be completed before, during, and after the production acceptance testing.
Start your business
After your application is activated for business, notify the Alipay+ SA so that we can monitor your system's behavior and check for any unpredictable errors that might affect your business.
If you need to launch a new merchant or launch a new wallet, repeat Step 3.
Moreover, It is recommended to invite one or more merchants to further test your application via Alipay+ Linker Wallet to make the integration with Alipay+ products more stable and efficient.
1. Check integration settings
Mark the card Unmark the cardLog in to Alipay+ Developer Center and check your integration settings in the production environment. For details, see Launch into production.
2. Send invitations
Mark the card Unmark the cardAfter completing the integration settings, you can invite merchants one by one or in bulk. Alipay+ then sends an email to the invited merchants, guiding them to use Alipay+ Linker Wallet.
3. Guide merchants to use Alipay+ Linker Wallet
Mark the card Unmark the cardAfter you send invitations, your merchants might contact you to confirm configurations or ask for guidance on using Alipay+ Linker Wallet. You can send them the link to the Alipay+ Linker Wallet User Guide to help.
4. View test results
Mark the card Unmark the cardWhen your merchants use Alipay+ Linker Wallet to perform integration testing, you can view the results of each test case in Alipay+ Developer Center.